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Lily Potter's first year at Hogwarts (Lily Potters första år på Hogwarts)

Forum > Fanfiction > Lily Potter's first year at Hogwarts (Lily Potters första år på Hogwarts)

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Lily and her brothers will soon rise on hogwartsexressen. She leaps on and on is not the least bit worried. She gives her parents a hug and was then going on the train.

Bye 'she says and closes the mandrel. she waves out the window when the train starts.

Lily looking right at an empty compartment and sits down say late next window.

Then there will be a girl inn and wonder if the seat in the middle of the is free. Yes respond Lily.
The girl says her name is Alicia Johnson.

Lily Potter Lily responds.

They switch on and continue talking.

A few tunes later, the train stops.
We're here says Alicia.

Vae weohnata ono vergarie eka thäeet otherum

7 okt, 2011 14:17



Älskar er figurskating

7 okt, 2011 14:39



When Lily and Alicia get off the train, hear a voice:
All freshman this way, freshman follow me. "That's Hagrid," Lily whispered to Alicia. They joined the stage that followed proffesorn out of the station.

He loaded them into a lake where dozens of boats lay förtöda. "Not more than four of the wolf boat" warned Hagrid. A boy with blant hair and a girl with Örk complexion followed Lily and Alicia down in the same boat. When all was in boats started with a little jerk. When they hadde sailed in five minutes you could hear a splash. A boy hadde fallen overboard, but fortunately the boy swam back to his boat and some helped him out of the water.

After a few minutes the town and all the boats got out. Hagrid stuck to them to a castle and said "this is Hogwarts". He knocked on the door and when it opened sins that a man that Lily knew that proffesor N. Longbottom.

"Come with me" Says proffesor Neville Longbottom.

He leads them to a small drum next to the main hall. "You shall soon put you at your mates, but first you have sorted ii dormitory." Says Nevill. "Student Homes is: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Huffelpuff. Wait here, I will soon be back." And so goes Nevill away.

After a few tense minutes he comes back. "Follow me at one point, pushed not" all stood in a line and marched after proffesorn. Nevill charge them through a few doors into a GATT-like hall. He loaded them up to a table at the front of the hall where there was a teacher and rekrorn.

I'll read your name and then you up and put on your hat.

Abbot Peace a boy with blond hair came up and sat on him.

January Bods Slytherin table should guarantee a anart applodera. Alicia Johnson Gryffidor, and so rortssate it until, Lily Potter Lily stacked up to the podium and pulled down his hat over his head, but as soon as the hat on his head lopped carcases of Gryffindor, and she took off her hat. Lily went down to Gryffindorbordet. The sorting continued and finally it was over. Then got tough headmaster tough up and said, chopping up. The drums in front of them filled at once with läkra meals. when everyone was full and satisfied traveled up the headmaster himself up again and said, when it's time to go to bed beep ppip.

Vae weohnata ono vergarie eka thäeet otherum

7 okt, 2011 14:52



den är bra men det är tur att den finns på svenska ochså

11 okt, 2011 08:56



The next day Alicia and Lily went down to the great hall together. When they came down they saw Hugo sit with some friends. Lily walked up to him and said hello Hugo. Hugo turned around and said hi Lily and turned around to his buddies again. Lily and Alicia went down at the table and sat down next to Valmo.

When they had eaten färdit Neville came and handed out schedules. Their first lesson was örtlära.

When they came down to the greenhouses was Professor Longbottom and waited for them we are going into the greenhouse 1 today he screamed. All went in and took his for a long garden bench. We will work with any väkster called (I can only find on a name) sömntutaimalus it is called so after that it makes you fall asleep if you touch it without gloves, so be nice and turn on a decision now. I want you to take a pot each transmitter you put down your väkster in pots were fårsiktiga because they will resist. He'd shown while she talked so now tried all do for him.

Afterwards, Alicia said to Lily: Did you see that Conor hadde forgot his producers. Yes, replied Lily. and then kept them laughing up to the castle.

Vae weohnata ono vergarie eka thäeet otherum

11 okt, 2011 09:10

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Forum > Fanfiction > Lily Potter's first year at Hogwarts (Lily Potters första år på Hogwarts)

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