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Hejsan! många av oss går i grundskolan och gymnasiet och blir där tvingade att skriva diverse noveller och artiklar av olika slag. Jag tänkte att om någon känner att dom vill dela med sig av sina skolarbeten så kan det ju finnas en tråd för det.

Det senaste jag skrev i skolan var ett personal narrative på engelskan,som jag skrev ur Brendon Uries perspektiv, delvis baserad på verkligheten. Här har ni den:

Tryck här för att visa!The start of a journey Looking back at my life, I find it quite interesting how I, a good christian mormon boy, grew up to be a weed smoking bisexual emo singer.
It all started when I was quite small. I was born in Utah to two loving conservative mormon parents. In kindergarten I was a real wild savage. I was out of control, punching both teachers and kids. It became quite obvious that I needed help to cope with my wild behaviour, so my parents took me to a psychiatrist.
At the psychiatry, my parents would have to drag me inside to speak to the doctor in his office. I was so fascinated with all the posters and toys out in the lounge, that it was practically impossible to get me in voluntarily. However I quickly changed my mind as I entered the clinical office.
I would yell and point at any item that I found moderately interesting, and ask what it was. My parents had to hold me down in my mother's lap so I wouldn’t go around touching everything. Long story short, I got diagnosed with ADHD.

When I was six years old we moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, which is where I remember the most of my childhood and teen years. In high school I’d take extra curricular lessons in electric guitar at my school. The teacher was a 50 year old rock n roll fan who failed as a musician, and turned to teaching music as a last resort. It was quite obvious that he cared about the guitar culture, but not us kids. The one hour classes felt five hours long, but as I eventually got out, the guy who sat next to me came up. The tall skinny emo kid reached out his hand, which I shook as We introduced ourselves.

“Sup, I’m Brent” He said.

“Cool, I’m Brendon” I replied

“You’re actually really good” He said. Before I had the chance to reply, he gave me a paper and hurried away. I unraveled the folded paper to find that it was a poster.

“AUDITION FOR PANIC! AT THE DISCO” the big text read. The smaller text under read “At Brent Wilsons garage, Hedwig road 15, tuesday” The background was a big image of a rock stage with band member silhouettes

When I arrived at the audition, I saw seven other people sitting on the green lawn, all with their guitars of different kinds playing and singing Fall Out Boy songs. Fall Out boy was actually one of my favourite bands at the time, and it still is, and so I sat down on the damp lawn with the others and started playing along with some power chords. Suddenly, the garage door opened, everybody looked at it as the tall emo kid from guitar class came out from it. He held a list in his hand with a ballpoint pen attached to it.

“Everybody who wishes to try out for the band, write your name on this list, and we will call you one on one.” He yelled all across the lawn. Everybody flooded towards the garage door, signing their name on the list. When I finally got the list, I saw seven names, making me the eighth and last auditionee on the list. One after one, the others got called into the mysterious garage. Some were smiling, some were crying, but one after one they left until I was the only person remaining. Brent called my name, and so I took my guitar and entered the garage. Inside was a table with Brent, and two others sitting behind it. In front of the table was an old black amplifier from the 80’s. I quickly introduced myself before I put the long worn out cable into the jack on the guitar, and started playing a fall out boy song. The band members sat in silence as I played violently on my black squire tele deluxe guitar. When I had finally finished, they all continued to sit in silence, looking at each other before looking at me again.

“You’re in the band!” Brent exclaimed. “There is nothing more to it! That Was amazing!”

“Thanks!” I replied, laughing with surprise

“Practice is here on thursdays at 7!” Brent explained.

“Seeya then!”

Time passed, and I had some more boring guitar classes with brent, which we both later decided to drop out of. He felt like focusing more on his bass playing, and I felt like I could evolve my guitar skills through band practice. The next thursday came about, and I headed over towards Brents garage once again. I walked across the green lawn that started to grow a bit long. I knocked on the garage door, and waited. I heard footsteps on the stone floor, and then the garage door opened. Brent invited me inside.

The table that the other members had sat by during the audition was pushed in by the wall, and in its place stood a drum kit with the band logo on the bass drum. Around it stood a microphone, and two amplifiers, one in each corner of a triangle formed around the drum kit. This actually resemble our logo which was based of a triangle. I plugged in my guitar into the same old amplifier as I had during the audition, and I played a few power cords. Suddenly, a hard knock on the door was heard, and I stopped playing. A skinny kid with black dyed hair and a palestine scarf entered the garage. I recognized him from the audition. He reached out his hand, which I shook, and we both introduced ourselves.

“I’m just gonna go get some coffee real quick,” Brent said, as he went into the house.

“I’m Ryan,’’ the guy said. “Welcome to the band”

“Thanks,’’ I replied. “I’m Brendon!” He took a seat at the table and picked up an acoustic guitar that stood against the wall, and started picking. I turned down the volume on my guitar and started playing along to the Fall Out Boy song he was playing. Eventually I also opened my mouth and started to sing the lyrics to the song. That's when Ryan suddenly stopped and started to stare at me.

“Where did you get that voice?!” He yelled out. “That's the most dynamic voice I’ve ever heard!” He continued. The last member, a shorter guy with brown hair and a beard, came in, and took a seat at the drums. He casually said Hi, before picking up his drum sticks, and started playing along with us. After a few minutes, Brent came back in, and dropped his coffee cup on the floor.

“Shit!” he whispered, as he looked down at the shattered cup on the floor. He looked up at me again and exclaimed,

“Holy shit!” he then stood quietly and just looked at me again. From that moment on, I was the new lead singer. Brent got contacted by Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy, and we immediately got signed to their label, without having had a single gig. We went on tour, produced many albums, and lived life for many years. But as time went by, members dropped out, and the style changed, until finally I was the only one left. I still go under the Pseudonym of Panic! At the disco, and I still have good contact with most old members, but my music is evolving, and I’m starting to realize that those old times are long gone.

3 okt, 2018 20:53

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2018-10-16 kl. 22:46
Antal ändringar: 3

Asked Calmly


Jag började gapskratta när Brent tappade sitt kaffe, vilket är väl aningen elakt men jag föreställde mig hans ansiktsuttryck samtidigt.

Håller på med dikter i svenskan och ska skriva ett tal i engelskan så kommer nog att ha en del att dela under närmaste tiden.


16 okt, 2018 22:06



Höll ett argumenterande tal om Skotsk självständighet, det blev ganska så för långt, men det var mest för att jag behövde förklara hela The House of Commons, Skottland och Englands politiska skillnader, Brexit och både det positiva och negativa med att lämna för en massa Svenska gymnasium elever... Faktumet att jag ändå lyckades göra det på tiden jag gjorde är ganska amaze...

Four score and seven years ago...

7 nov, 2018 22:16



Skrivet av Shapiro:
Höll ett argumenterande tal om Skotsk självständighet, det blev ganska så för långt, men det var mest för att jag behövde förklara hela The House of Commons, Skottland och Englands politiska skillnader, Brexit och både det positiva och negativa med att lämna för en massa Svenska gymnasium elever... Faktumet att jag ändå lyckades göra det på tiden jag gjorde är ganska amaze...

Asså förlåt, men jag älskar dig!

22 nov, 2018 17:31

Arzora Morgenstern


För tillfället så måste jag skriva en text om varför min dåliga uppvärmning var den bästa uppvärmningen i hela jordens historia.

22 nov, 2018 17:33



har inga intressanta skolarbeten att publicera för tillfället :-/
ena är en källkritisk/historiebruksuppsats om Gustav Vasa utifrån tre bestämda källor. den är på sex (!) sidor och allmänt ointressant så...
och den andra är en uppsats om min uppvärmning på idrotten, såå ja.


22 nov, 2018 18:01



Jag skrev en bokanalys med citat om en bok som jag inte ens har läst bc den var jävligt tråkig. Im proud of myselt

22 nov, 2018 19:00



Ska skriva ett informativt tal på engelskan. Jag ska skriva om feminism (som i övrigt alla i klassen hatar utom jag och mina kompisar) Hah nu ska jag allt visa dom.


22 nov, 2018 21:33



PÅ måndag skall jag hålla ett tal om kolpolitiken mellan 5-8 minuter typ... https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dhz0u2pn5OXYXu7et9iht1k45VMUsp4TZuY4sup-S8I/edit?usp=sharing

har också skrivit ett manus jag tappat bort

23 nov, 2018 07:52

Pride Potter


Skrivet av Borttagen:
PÅ måndag skall jag hålla ett tal om kolpolitiken mellan 5-8 minuter typ... https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dhz0u2pn5OXYXu7et9iht1k45VMUsp4TZuY4sup-S8I/edit?usp=sharing

har också skrivit ett manus jag tappat bort

Känns ju smart att tappa bort sitt manus (menar såklart inget illa). Nu ska jag i alla fall läsa

EDIT: Den var kort men bra, fattade inte så mycket eftersom det bara var stödord (antagligen). Dock ett litet tips (vet inte om det är det du vill ha (men antagligen), men det är alltid roligt använd animationer, det är roligt och fint plus att det blir enklare att veta vart man är osv (enligt mig). Jag (som dock är ganska bra på datorer, men ändå) lärde mig nästan direkt hur man använder dem.


23 nov, 2018 08:55

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