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Titel: You won't get out
Språk: Engelska
Typ av text: Fanfiction.
Antal kapitel hittills: Ungefär 5 korta.
Färdigskriven: Nej
Rating: Jag funderar på att vara överdramatisk och göra den väldigt våldsam. Borde nog det. Men hittills är den fri från sånt
Beskrivning: Vad Luna gör när hon är inlåst i Malfoy Manor, eller tvingas göra.

(Jag skriver på engelska för jag är så van vid att läsa fanfiction på engelsa...)

You won't get out

Luna sat on the train with Ginny and Neville, glad to be going home to her daddy for christmas. Maybe they could go to Sweden again and search after the Crumple Horned Snorkack again? She had enjoyed it so much that last time. Maybe she wouldn't think about her friends tortured by the Carrow siblings, or the about poor first years or how Harry, Ron and Hermione was somewhere out there, hiding. She knew that she needed to relax, or whatever people do when they don't dread being tortured for no reason.
As they came in to the station the train whistled and she looked out the window, anxious to see her dad. But no, no dad. Feeling cold she gazed out, three dark hooded persons stood just outside their window. Death eaters. Great. What did they do to her dad? Was it her they where after?
The death eaters stood there. She, Neville and Ginny looked at each other. What should they do? Luna rose up, determined.
“I will go and se what they are up to. No one can mess with my dad and come out without fighting me.” Neville and Ginny was going to argue, Luna was thinking of going out the door. But before that the three death eaters came into their compartment. She thought of fighting them, but the most feared Bellatrix Lestrange was among them.
“What do you want?” she asked boldly.
“Oh my sweet, you should just go with me now.” Bellatrix laughed soft, like a lunatic.
“No, don't touch her!” said Ginny, Luna looked at her with her big eyes. Ginny was always so brave and kind to everyone.
“I will not listen to you, you blood traitor!” said Bellatrix and raised her wand, but instead of bewitching Ginny she decided to let her go and take Luna instead. The two death eaters behind Bellatrix moved over to Luna, grabbing her everywhere. No, get off me! Luna thought, her mind been put to sleep. But she still tried to keep fighting. Where is my daddy? Maybe he wrote something? Yes, my dad's so... Then the sleeping spell worked and Luna went unconscious. She didn't even recognize when she was appareted away from King's kross station and all of her friends.

"There is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?" - Professor McGonagall

24 maj, 2011 17:52



Vekligen jättebra! Jag kanske inte är bäst på att läsa på engelska men din berättelse går att förstå så bra! MER!

24 maj, 2011 18:03



(Höhö, var tvungen att bara fräscha upp lite. Den här har legat o dammat ett tag.. Börjar med att räkna dagar..)

Day 1
She slept for almost eighteen hours, without any dreams. Then she suddenly woke up without warning, and she remembered what had happened.
“Where's my dad?” she mumbled out to the darkness around her.
“I don't know, child.”
Wait a minute. Who was that? Luna opened her eyes and looked into a pair of big grey eyes looking interested into hers. Luna remembered who those belonged to, but still...
“Who are you may I ask?” she said politely. But still trying to figure all out.
“My name is mr Ollivander, child. I don't really know why your'e here though. Do you?”
“No, sir. I don't really.” She looked so sad that the old man awkwardly hugged her very quick. “And yes, I realise who you are now. You are the famous wand maker! You did my wand.”
“Oh yes, I'm sorry. I remember it now, 9 inches, willow and with a core of hare hair. Very nice for the explorer. Do you now that---” Ollivander stopped abrupt looking at the sealing. Luna could see a scar across his chin. Then she heard footsteps right over their heads and people talking.
“Who are they?” she asked Ollivander, who looked scared out of his wits.
“Shh!” was the only answer she got. Then Ollivander talked to her with a fast and low voice. “It's obvious that you or your family has something to do with the resistance. This is the cellar in the Malfoy Manor. The residence of the Death Eaters and..” Ollivander paused terrified. “And him.”
Just as Ollivander said it they heard footsteps going down the narrow staircase down to them. A woman with a black travel coat and white blond hair, and another one that Luna already knew. Bellatrix Lestrange.
“Hello Lovegood. Heard anything new about the Crumple Horned Snorkack?” Bellatrix smirked and Luna thought it safe not to answer. So much for the recovering christmas.
“Oh Sweetie, your'e a smart one, right? Well, that won't help you now Loony.” The woman behind Bellatrix made a cough and Bellatrix nodded to her.
“We won't use our precious time with you. But make sure, your'e not going out from hear. Your father can kiss his little paper farewell and we won't let him kiss you off.” Again Bellatrix sister gave a little cough to say to her sister that she was getting a bit carried away. Bellatrix looked a bit down and then managed a big weird smile.
“Now honey, don't you think it's enough chattering. But don't you worry, I'll get to the point. Crucio!”
A pain sharper than the one she was expecting went through her body. Luna realised that the Carrow siblings hadn't been good at the cruciatus curse. At least not as good as Bellatrix. She was giving herself into the curse, making sure that Luna would feel like dying afterwards. And she did. Her blood beating in her head she dropped to the floor, in too much pain to even move her body. Everything went black and she could only hear Bellatrix Lestranges voice over and over again, echoing against the walls.
“You won't be seeing your daddy any time soon, so just deal with it bloodtraitor.”

"There is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?" - Professor McGonagall

24 maj, 2011 18:56



ylvisshhh, blivand författare.


https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F28.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ltc0jeaRGd1qlqgbzo1_r1_400.gif Min tumblr!

24 maj, 2011 20:20



Miwhihi. Älskar att läsa dina fics,.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F28.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ltc0jeaRGd1qlqgbzo1_r1_400.gif Min tumblr!

26 maj, 2011 22:58




Ojoj, glömde helt bort den här och började på en annan. Typiskt mig.

Ollivander had been sitting on the bed the whole time, wanting to save the poor girl from Bellatrix. But he couldn't. Even if he had had a wand, even if Bellatrix sister Narcissa hadn't pointed her wand at him every time he moved, even if he wasn't an old man. Ollivander knew he wasn't strong enough. Would never be. The magic he had seen Bellatrix perform was extraordinary. She was truly talented, with exceptions of course. Ollivander would gladly paid for a match between Bellatrix Lestrange and professor McGonagall.
So, he couldn't save Xenophilius little girl, the reason why Xenophilius had survived from the death of his wife. They where so alike in many ways, Luna and Xeno. He wasn't sure if Luna hadn't been raised with her father she would believe inn all his eccentric views off life.
Ollivander saw Bellatrix and Narcissa leave in silence. Then he went over to Luna and looked after if Bellatrix had done anything else then the cruciatus curse. He was glad she hadn't. Bellatrix was known for her brutality and could easy have made Luna to a vegetable if she just wanted to. Hopefully the-one-who-mustn't-be-named had orders for the girl so Bellatrix couldn't hurt her. More than she already did.
Ollivander looked at the girl, Luna he must remember the name, who had fainted. Carefully he picked her up, and laid her down on the bed. She was the first human he had seen in this place so crowded of people. He was almost glad that the death eaters had caught her. But then, no he wasn't.

I will have to be brave. Ron, Hermione and Harry is out on more dangerous adventures than this, right? Oh no, I hope not.
Luna sat on the bed staring at the wall, Ollivander had gone on a little walk around the cellar. He did that a lot, trying hard not to get crazy in this place.
But what happened to daddy? Did they leave him alone? Oh shut it Luna! Your'e smarter than this. Dad will manage. Right?
Luna raised her hands up to her mouth, remembering.
Dad can't cook! He will burn the house, if now the death eaters left it alone. But he couldn't even make plimp tee right! Oh daddy..
That was Luna's thoughts for the rest of the day, sitting in a grey cellar with an old man wasn't that entertaining. But what she did that day was to whisper him stories about what happened in the larger world, outside of Hogwarts. That was her first day in the Malfoy Cellar.

"There is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?" - Professor McGonagall

27 maj, 2011 17:59




https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F28.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ltc0jeaRGd1qlqgbzo1_r1_400.gif Min tumblr!

28 maj, 2011 12:42



Good work.

Kom igen nu hogwarts. Vi är bättre än andra skolor.https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lhllibv7RT1qdw1bro1_500.gif

28 maj, 2011 18:35



Tack så mycket Amandan men du får alltid läsa mina fanfictions vare sig du vill eller inte! Och jag tog lite mellanrum mellan den här gången.. Lättare att läsa.

Day 2
Luna tried to sleep for as long as possible, Ollivander had said that it was good for not being bored. Sleeping took time. And then trying to get exhausted so he could sleep again. Poor mr Ollivander. That was his trick for getting the time going. He hadn't been keeping track of the days, so he was a bit chocked when she told him it was the morning of the 20th december. He thought it had gone 6 months more or so.

But no, Luna wouldn't give up. She was going to get out of there. Some day. Maybe Harry and the others could come? This was after all the headquarters of Voldemorts reign. And she knew they where going to fight him off. How would the D.A work now when she was gone? Neville and Ginny was great, but they all needed each other. They where the leaders now, after the golden trio, as she called the in her head, had left Hogwarts. Hermione couldn't go anyway. She was born by muggles, Luna had once met them at King's Cross. They where actually interesting, saying it was bad eating sugar. Couldn't you just eat it because you enjoy it?

Luna thought long about that, and she spent as long time as possible with each thought, making it special and valuable. Then a couple of death eaters came down to get her up, to the living room. She guessed she would at least know what was happening now. She recognized the death eaters, Dolohov and Macnair. Both of them appeared on the ministry's wanted-posters, but she had personally met Macnair before. Holding her so close and rough at the department of mysteries...

Luna was roughly led up the stairs and into the dark red living room, with old fashioned grand furnitures, an open fireplace and a sculpture of a snake in marmor. Bellatrix wasn't there, so maybe she should get some peace. But her sister was there, who looked oddly like Draco Malfoy. Must be his mother then, since this after all's the Malfoy Manor, as Ollivander had said. The witch arose to greet her.

“Hello Luna Lovegood, I'm Narcissa Malfoy.” she smiled coldly.

Why is she so nice to me? Or at least trying to...

“I have been ordered to tell you what's going on. And for your sake I'm sorry.”

She's lying Luna! How do I know? Because she's one of them? And her sister is just the famous Bellatrix Lestrange? Her sister tortured Neville's parents Luna! Do you think she could feel sorry for you? Well, you don't have to be so judging. She's a mother. Maybe she imagined her own child in this situation? Yeah, that's likely Luna.

While Luna talked to her head Narcissa looked at her curiously. Then she said “Olive.” and the house-elf appeared out of nowhere.

“There you are. Bring us some tea, for Draco also. Call him while your'e at it, Olive.” she said coldly to the alf, almost not looking at her. Luna's head decided that Narcissa was evil, at least to her house-elf. Narcissa turned to Luna, and the cold face she had given to her alf and humble servant changed into a proud grin.

“I'm sure you have met my boy, he's so talented and noble. The dark lord really think he's good, I hope...” she looked deep in thought's but then continued. “He got it after me, you see. And my sister, of course. I couldn't imagine anyone more--

“Please mother, don't finish that sentence.” said Malfoy, strutting in to the room smirking. “What if I don't live up to it. Hello Lovegood.”

What is this? Why are the Malfoys like this? He always call me Loony Lovegood. I'll bet you five galleons that they are under orders to make me like them or something. But he couldn't change. Git, all those times he joked with me and worse, and his mother calls him noble? Luna usually was prepared for strange things to happen, but this was a bit too much for her. The house-elf called Olive came in with the tea.

“That's quick, how did you do it?” asked Luna to Olive. Olive looked like she had tried to pluck a dirigible plum. Narcissa coughed and looked quick at Olive, who disappareted.

“We don't make it a habit to speak like that to our servants.” Oh-oh, if only Hermione was there she would kick Narcissa's ass for saying that. Narcissa coughed again for getting her attention.

“I assume that you will want to hear about your father.” Luna's mouth fell open, she had thought again and decided she'd never find that out while staying.

“Yes, tell me!”

“Yes, please tell me, mrs.”

“Oh, excuse me.”

“Your father has been helping Harry Potter. In our world, that is a crime. And your father will be punished.” Narcissa didn't look Luna in her eyes, but Luna didn't notice because her own eyes suddenly became filled with tears.

“Yes?” she whispered.

“I'm sorry Luna. But those who don't obey must be punished.” said Narcissa, leaning over to Draco and grabbed his hand. “He's been sent to Azkaban.”

Luna gasped.

“What? No!” she screamed at Narcissa, rising from her chair. Both Draco and Narcissa looked at her like she was an alien, but Luna didn't care.

“My dad hasn't done anything wrong!” she screamed even louder, shaking up the whole house. Lucius Malfoy came burstling in with pink roses on his cheek out of anger.

“Loony freakin' Lovegood!” he yelled at her. “Don't you dare take tone in my own house! You will be sent to that cellar immediately and don't you expect coming out of there anytime soon. Bellatrix was absolutely right, Cissy.” Lucius snapped and called for a person named Wormtail, funny name.

Wormtail turned out to be a short middle aged man bowing his head for the Malfoys, strange. Luna thought the Malfoy family had lost some respect after Lucius was sent to prison. And why wasn't Lucius there now? She didn't have time to figure it out, Wormtail dragged her by her shoulders back to the cellar.

"There is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?" - Professor McGonagall

28 maj, 2011 20:15




10 jun, 2011 11:41

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