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Namn: Uuuh... Jag har inte kommit på något. .-.
Genre: Ingen aning. xD
Språk: Engelska
Rating: PG/PG-13
Kapitel: Ett och ett halvt? O.o

Jag vill bara säga att detta inte är någon "fanfiction", utan någonting jag kommit på själv. .-. Flytta gärna på min tråd om den är i fel forum. xD

Handling: (Tar den på engelska, okok. Jag har typ bara kommit på lite basic vad den kommer handla om, så förvänta er inte att jag har planerat hela skiten ännu. xD )

This story is going to be about a 17 year old boy, who at the age of ten were riding a train together with his mother to celebrate christmas together with his aunt and cousins in Tokyo. There was a drastic change in the climate. All of a sudden everything was frozen and the earth was covered in snow. The train stopped, and the passengers were stuck in the middle of nowhere without enough food for all of them.

Jag är sämst på att beskriva handlingar i saker. x3 Förlåt för det. :> Anyhow, här kommer första kapitlet. (Jag kommer lägga alla kapitel i det här inlägget sen i fall jag fortsätter skriva på den... ) En sak till, min engelska suger. Säg till mig om det finns något jag måste fixa! Jag vill hellre ha femtio meningar rättade än en dålig text. xD Men skicka det i ugglebrev så vi inte spamar hela tråden. ;3


Tryck här för att visa!This world is dying. How long has it been this cold? It feels like forever, but it's only been 7 years. All of a sudden everything just froze. The cities got covered by the cold. People were freezing to death, or even died from sickness. Heh, I even wish I was lucky enough to get a bullet in my head.

Chapter 1.

Tryck här för att visa!All those years ago I was on a train with my mother. I was 10 years old, and for the first time ever we were going to see Tokyo. It was winter and about -20° outside. I was really happy, because we were going to celebrate christmas there together with my aunt and my two cousins. All of a sudden the train stopped in the middle of nowhere. The hours went by and they still couldn't get the train starting.

The day went by and no one could leave the train. The snow was way too deep to even set their feet outside. I heard children cry. They all wanted to go home and stay in the warmth of their houses. By this time people were still sharing the tiny amount of food they had, but about two days later people started showing their egoistic sides. Luckily our mother had bought some food that we were to bring to our cousins place. At least we had enough water (should I say snow?) for everyone on the train.

The first person to die was the mother of what It looked alike a 7 year old child. Her mother had some kind of illness that made her unable to breath. We'd only been on the train for 6 days by then. Her daughter screamed, cried and begged people to save her, but no one cared. I've still not forgiven myself for not trying to help her. I felt horrible, but mother told me to not look. The woman died in her daughter's arms.

Nobody came to save us. We were all alone in the train, freezing, and just waiting. A lot of people went crazy and committed suicide. Why did this all have to happen? After about three weeks my mother died of hunger and sickness. She just fell down on the floor. I panicked. It all felt like a bad dream, just that I couldn't wake up from it. My chest was burning and my tears were flowing down my cheeks as I heard her last words. “Keep on living for me, Haru... Okay?” I sat there, holding my dear mother's cold hand. She was gone.

After a month pretty much 80% of all people were dead. The remaining 20% of us were either sick or not able to move. Then it happened. You could hear a chopper in the sky, and ten second's later came the big bang. They had thrown out bombs that killed almost all the people that were left on the train. We had all shrunk as much as possible, hiding behind the train's chairs to avoid getting hit by the explosions. Then all of a sudden you could hear gun shots, and one of the choppers fell down.
I don't really know what happened after that. I passed out, and the right side of my face was burning like hell. All I could see was blood and people with gas masks searching for people who had survived.

Eftersom att jag inte är klar med den här och antagligen kommer gå tillbaka för att ändra i texten då och då, kanske lägga till, ta bort eller ändra på något; så kommer jag att ha en slags "logg" här där jag berättar vad jag ändrar.

Tryck här för att visa!21 september: Lade upp kapitel 1
18 Oktober: Ändrade huvudpersonens namn från Katsu till Haru

Sen vill jag bara tillägga en snabb sak,
Eftersom att jag är upptagen med skola och sådant kanske det kommer ta ganska lång tid för mig att ladda upp kapitel..

21 sep, 2014 13:19

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2014-10-18 kl. 12:55
Antal ändringar: 13



Det här är... Awesome!!!! *bevakar* Skriv mer because this is like... Just... I simply can't descirbe it!!! ^^

Join the dark side, we have cookies~ https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fvignette2.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fepicrapbattlesofhistory%2Fimages%2F6%2F60%2FBill_Cipher_intro.gif%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20150413191538

21 sep, 2014 13:31



Den var super!
Haha läste dock "polska" när det stod vilket språk den var på... Undrar vad som hände med min intelligens där cx

Och sedan, om det inte är en fanfiction, ska den inte vara i Kreativitets forumet dåå?

21 sep, 2014 20:13



Skrivet av Fourma:
Den var super!
Haha läste dock "polska" när det stod vilket språk den var på... Undrar vad som hände med min intelligens där cx

Och sedan, om det inte är en fanfiction, ska den inte vara i Kreativitets forumet dåå?

Jag har ingen aning. xD Var så länge sen jag var här inne, så jag har ingen koll på det längre. x3
Någon kan få flytta min tråd om dem vill. :> Tack förresten. >w<

Skrivet av Anna-chan:
Det här är... Awesome!!!! *bevakar* Skriv mer because this is like... Just... I simply can't descirbe it!!! ^^

Heheh... Tack. >o<

21 sep, 2014 21:20




22 sep, 2014 19:21



UGHHHH. Det har gått en månad, och jag tänkte posta ett nytt kapitel idag. Jag märkte precis att hela saken raderades eftersom att jag glömde att spara... Jag ska försöka skriva om hela saken, men det kan ta ett tag eftersom att jag har massa skolarbeten. Försöker få klart kapitel två, och möjligtvis kapitel tre under lovet.
Förlåååååt. ;-;

22 okt, 2014 21:29

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