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"The Wolves" - Doctor who with Ten and Rose

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Så då provar jag lägga ut min första fanfic någonsin, ett DW-äventyr med Ten och Rose som utspelar sig någon gång under säsong två ungefär. Den är då skriven på engelska så en del grammatiska fel och konstiga uttryck kan ha smugit sig in - jag välkomnar varmt påpekande av dessa samt konstruktiv kritik om själva historien.

Jag ratar den som G, då det är som ett vanligt DW-äventyr, dock med den våld och död som kan förekomma i ett vanligt avsnitt.

Jag kan komma att ändra en del i originaltexten allt eftersom, men i så fall säger jag till om vad jag ändrat.

Vette fasen hur jag ska göra med styckeindelningen eftersom det inte går att göra indrag på forumet, men hoppas att det går att läsa.

Anyways, Enjoy!

The Wolves
”So, where do you want to go this time?”

”Oh, I don’t know, someplace warm would be nice, after that snowstorm”, Rose said with a quick glance at the snow by the doors, which still hadn’t quite melted.

“We have all of space and time, so someplace warm it is!” the Doctor said and started running around the flight controls, changing settings and pushing buttons which eventually made the ship move. “Just watch me!”

Mere seconds later they landed and the Doctor ran outside. Rose followed but stopped quite abruptly, since they hit another door instantly. They were standing in a small room, crammed with strange looking cleaning articles.

“What have you got for me this time, dear?” the Doctor said and looked at the TARDIS.

“Um”, Rose said. “So … where are we?”

The Doctor smiled at her. “In a broom cupboard, apparently.”

“Oh, really. But I guess they need cupboards all … over the universe”, Rose said and looked around the small space.

“You’re not impressed, are you? It’s warm, at least.”

She raised her eyebrows and gave him an amused look. But he was right; the temperature was definitely comfortable, so Rose took off her winter coat and threw it in the TARDIS. “And when are we?”

“No idea, let’s find out”, he said and burst out through the door.

They happened to be in a long, grey corridor, with twenty or so space looking doors just like the one they’ve just got out from.

“Exciting”, Rose said.

“Oh, now don’t be so sulky.”

They went through the door in the end of the corridor – which was locked but obviously didn’t stay in that status for long – and walked into yet another corridor, this with roof windows all along the corridor and more windows on the right to an enormous greenhouse all along the right side. Outside the sun was shining from a weird blue green, almost ocean like, sky.

“Oh”, said the Doctor. “I think I know where we are!”

He took out the sonic screwdriver and scanned the door leading to the greenhouse.

“Yup, Space Station 106. Of course.”

He turned to her and smiled.

“Well, Rose, then we’re just a couple of light years and … let’s see … about two hundred years away from where I was originally heading.”

“And you sound like that’s impressively accurate”, Rose said, but couldn’t help laughing, still fascinated by pretty much everything no matter where they went. “So what is this place?”

“It’s one of humanity’s very first space colonies, just about five hundred years into your future. So by now you’ve just worked out how to travel fast enough to reach out in to space, but you still think that you’re more or less alone in the universe. And travelling here, about seven light years from earth, take a couple of years. Now, let’s go and find someone we can talk to!”

They continued through another corridor, and just as they were to open the next door, it opened by itself and a woman came through. She almost ran into them and stopped abruptly, looking confused. She was quite tall, with short, brown hair and a quite big nose, dressed in a grey military uniform.

“Hello”, the Doctor said, with one of his very disarming smiles. “Nice to meet you?”

“Who are you? And what the hell are you doing down here?” she said.

“Oh, just passing through, as usual. I’m the Doctor and this is Rose. Um, maintenance checks”, he said and showed her the psychic paper. She didn’t look too convinced. In fact she looked at them quite suspiciously.

“Passing through? There is nothing to pass through from. And how did you find these civilian clothes anyway?”

“Um. Let’s not think about that. What’s your name?”

“Edwina, but let’s not think about that”, she repeated ironically. “If you could just come with me to the control room, please.”

Edwina turned around and started to walk away, assuming they would follow. Which they of course did.

“Do you have plan?” Rose whispered to the Doctor.

“You know me, I never have a plan”, he said, with a big, excited smile. “Space station 106, I can’t believe I’ve never thought of going here before!”

They followed Edwina through another corridor.

“Is this some kind of storage part of the base?” the Doctor asked her.

“Yes, as if you didn’t know that already.”

They eventually met some people, with whom Edwina started chatting as they went along. The deeper into the heart of the space station they went, the more people there were. Men, women and children were crowding the corridors and rooms, all in the same grey military uniforms as Edwina, even the children. And there were no windows anywhere except the roof windows – which went along the corridors – so everything they saw of the alien planet outside was the strange blue green sky. Eventually they went through a pair of high secure-looking doors and stopped in a small hallway. Edwina picked up a phone hanging from the wall, announcing their arrival and where she had picked them up, and the last door opened.

Before them was a big, perfectly circular room, with a lot of technical equipment and computers and things Rose had no idea what it was. About twenty people were busy working at the computers, and in the middle of it all was the spider in the web, a man who clearly stood out from the rest. Not only because of the very classy suit he was wearing but also because of the four parallel scars running from his left eye down his chin and neck, making his face look not only deformed, but also incredibly grim. His steal grey eyes seemed to cut through Rose like a sword and she suddenly felt a bit worried for her and the Doctor’s safety. But the Doctor smiled, as always. Even though his smile that always made Rose feel like she would liquefy or die or something similar to that didn’t affect this man at all.

“Hello”, the Doctor said. “What’s your name?”

The leader, at least Rose assumed he was the leader, laughed, and it made him even creepier.

“I’m surprised you don’t know that”, he said, and his eyes narrowed slightly. “I’m Macellarius.”

“I’m the Doctor and this is Rose.”

“Hello”, Rose said.

“So you are the investigators?” Macellarius asked.

“Yes we are”, the Doctor said.

“You arrived a bit earlier than planned”, Macellarius said, his eyes narrowing slightly. “And how did you end up in the storage section without anyone even noticing your arrival?”

“Well, we have a special ship, quite small, very fast. And we, um, landed a bit off course.”

“Ah”, Macellarius said, but he didn’t look too convinced. “Alexander, show them around and then leave them with Scott.”

“Yes sir.”

A young man stood up, saluted and nodded to the Doctor and Rose and then gestured to them to follow him. They went out through another pair of doors and into a corridor. Rose felt completely lost, with all these grey, identical corridors and equally grey doors.

“I guess I should show you the sleeping facilities and the nearest dining room, Dr. Scott will show you the labs and the greenhouses. Personally, I think it’s good that you’re here, but it was an unpleasant surprise for Macellarius”, Alexander said.

The Doctor nodded as they went into yet another room, apparently where they would sleep. There were two alcove bunk beds to the left and a built in wardrobe to the right. It wasn’t a very big room, in fact, when Rose stood in the middle, she could touch the beds with her left hand and the wardrobe door with her right. All was grey without even the tiniest splash of colour.

“Looks good enough”, the Doctor said.

Rose smiled.

“Where is your luggage? Is it back in your ship? I’ll arrange it being taken here”, Alexander said. And after a short pause, he added “Where is … your ship?”

“Oh, we happened to park in the storage section by mistake. But we’ll just go get it ourselves later.”
Alexander seemed pleased enough with that answer.

“As long as Scott gives you clearance”, he said, shrugging. “Now, come on!”

Scott showed them the nearest dining room, and began to explain the navigation system of letters and numbers above each door, as they went to the labs.

“So, the first letter is the section of the base, the second and third are the corridor number, the fourth and fifth are the room number and then we don’t have to care about the rest of the numbers, yes?”, Rose said to Alexander.

“Exactly, the rest is just for the central heating and stuff, I don’t even understand it myself”, he smiled.

“Right”, Rose said, as they went through two high security doors and, Rose guessed, into the labs.

They were standing in the middle of a big room, filled with high tech-equipment. In the middle there was a round desk, with see through-screens all around it, where two men and a young woman seemed to browse through some kind of complex data. To Rose, it looked like something from a science fiction-movie. To the Doctor, it looked like they were measuring and cataloguing all sorts of information from the whole planet, in a pretty antique lab from the middle of the 30th century.

From a glass door to the left, a woman, approximately in her early fifties, came through, talking to someone through some kind of ear device.

“No, don’t put the report in there. Oh come on, it’s not like it’s hard. Just give me the damn haxico measurements in time for dinner thank you very much.”

She ended the conversation and turned to them.

“You must be the investigators”, she said, raising an eyebrow and looking at them, somewhat amused. “Nice clothes.”

“Thank you. I’m the Doctor and this is Rose. And you are … Scott, I suppose?” the Doctor replied.

“Yes, I am”, she said. “Thank you Alexander, I can take it from here, you can go back to work now.”

“Yes, m’am”, Alexander said, saluted and began to walk away.

“How many times have I told you not to salute, dammit!” Scott called after him. “Now, let’s go in here.”

She turned and went back through the glass doors. Rose and the Doctor followed. The first thing Rose saw was that unlike all the other rooms they had been in, this room had not only a roof window, but a whole glass wall. For the first time she got a glimpse of the planet outside. Within the space station area, there was nothing but short grass, but fifty yards away, a high, bob wired-fence separated the base from a dense jungle. It reminded of a tropical rainforest, only there wasn’t only trees, but thirty feet high fern-like plants, three feet wide pink flowers hanging from the trees and a lot of other odd things Rose didn’t notice once she saw the large, birdlike creatures emerge from the treetops. Each bird – or that was what Rose would call them, although they didn’t seem to have feathers – flapped three pairs of wings and quickly gained height.

26 jan, 2013 17:51



jag har inte ens läst än och jag bevakar redan haha

ska läsa nu brb

edit: yes good verkar lovande! Älskar att du beskriver miljöer noggrant c:


26 jan, 2013 18:47



ja ja ja!! jag älskar den!


26 jan, 2013 19:21



Pixie och Puffsurrare, tack, vet inte om ni fattar hur smickrad jag är, haha

Nu har jag lagt ut den här på fanfiction.net (här), och vet inte om jag kommer lägga upp mer i den här tråden eftersom jag är en lat människa och det är mycket lättare att lägga upp på fanfiction.net Har skrivit ett par tusen tecken till - och nu börjar det hända grejer! *muahahaha*

24 feb, 2013 19:42

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