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Doctor Who: Worlds Collide [RP Basserad, ENG]

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Titel: Doctor Who: Worlds Collide
Språk: Engelska
Typ av text: Doctor Who + Annat Fanfic
Antal kapitel hittills: 4
Färdigskriven: Nej
Rating: Alla
Beskrivning: The Doctor is dying, tardis is flying into another world, Doctor does survive, and then the worlds collide.
Se detta som en prolog till fanfics to come
Övrigt: Första kapitlet börjar med den elfte Doktorn.


(Låt som spelas när jag skriver detta kapitlet: Get Back Up - Starkid)

Chapter one: The Snowflake

The Daleks were everywhere, and he was in the TARDIS that had just arrived into the middle of nowhere, right inside one of the Dalek's ships. On the scanner he saw the Daleks trying to shoot down his forcefield that protected him from projectiles. He didn't want to play coward anymore, grabbed the sonic screwdriver and stepped out with a self confident smile.
"Hello there, I wou-" he hadn't expected that the Daleks had figured out that they could pass the force field physically, and now one of them stood right in front of him. "Oh cra-"
"EXTERMINATE!" the beam hit him straight in his stomach, and he felt the life rushing straight through his fingers. The beam was broken and he fell through the TARDIS doors.
"Not... J-just yet..." he grinned weakly and opened the hatch to the light, the heart of his TARDIS, and let it flow through him. He felt the process begin and fell to the floor with a happy smile.
"G-geronimo..." right when he closed his eyes, his body was lit up with the golden light, then the light exploded.
He was different, yet the same. More lively, happier, and stronger. He flied up to his feet, but fell down again.
"Oh, taller legs. That's awkward. I should get out of here. See ya!" he shouted to the Daleks outside. There were nothing out here but vacuum and space, nothing but the Daleks that could be destroyed. He went to the controll-table and looked at the button. Emergency World Switch. He'd always wanted to use this button, but he'd never gotten the chance to do so. The implosion would destroy the whole Dalek army. Well, at least this one.
In space, the implosion was a lot more devastating than if he would activate in inside an atmosphere, which would just create a little hole in the ground. He let out a short laugh and smashed the button, then a female voice was heard from the speakers.
"Randome universe search... Universe found."
"Ooh! I like this one, she sounds like a fancy woman!"
"Implosion engaged... Implosion in three... Two... Please shut the doors. Please shut the doors. Please shut-"
"The hell up!" he shouted and slammed the doors together.
"Thank you. One..." the implosion, well, imploded. The Dalek screams were cut of short, once again they were defeated.
The TARDIS shook violently, and the Doctor fell to the floor, laughing. This made his hearts beat extra fast, pumping twice the amount of adrenaline than a normal human being.
"This is amazing!" he shouted while he felt a higher and higher pressure against his temples. He was now in the emptiness.
The TARDIS spun around violently, and Doctor was thrown from floor to roof and floor again, still laughing. Then he landed, both on the floor and in the universe, and the TARDIS was now still. He opened the doors and stepped outside, the snow fell down like rain, only slower.
"Who are you, and where did you come from?!" he heard someone shout behind him, when he turned around he saw a hooded man dressed in white holding an old rifle pointed at Doctor's chest. "I said, who are you?!"
"Hello! I'm the Doctor!" he said cheerfully. "Fancy cup of tea?" the man looked confused.
"No, tea is for the British. How did you get here?" the man repeated.
"Oh! I, uhm... I traveled?" he said. "What about you?"
"How did you get here."
"I traveled" he said, yet again confused.
"You know what?" he said, and the man shook his head, still pointing his gun. "I might as well go into this big blue box while you fetch the guards to arrest me. All righty?" the man thought about his offer, Doctor saw him calculate the size of the box, realizing he couldn't go anywhere from in there.
"I guess, don't go anywhere." he said and started to walk against a village below, but before he could take another step, the Doctor spoke again.
"Oh!" he said. I mean yelled. The snow still fell from the white sky.
"What is it now?" the man said with a sigh.
"Oh! Oh oh oh! Look! That's just amazing! Did you see it?"
"See what?"
"The snowflake! Look, there's another one!"
The man in white walked, annoyed, to the village and Doctor ran into the TARDIS and slammed the button again. Three seconds after the pre-info, a small crater was all that was left of the blue box.


17 jan, 2013 10:18

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2013-02-21 kl. 09:48
Antal ändringar: 5

Cara Riddle



Awesome ^^
även om det är halv svårt för mig att fatta alla Doctor Who referenser xD haha


17 jan, 2013 11:58



(Haha, gör inget. Fanns inte så många i första kapitlen, om det ens fanns en xD)

Chapter two: Meeting of the worlds

Link felt himself landing on the rough ground. His back ached, to fall as long as he had seemed to have made him more tempted to fight Ganondorf than to do that again. He heard a scream and then how someone fell on him, the air escaped his lungs and he was pushed to the ground.
"Link." said a voice and he opened his eyes that he'd subconsciously close. "I tried to catch you." she said and he nodded, he'd expected she would try.
"Where are we? This is not Hyrule." said Midna and stood up. Link sat up and looked around. The fact of not being in Hyrule didn't surprise him, he jumped to his feet and pulled his sword, then looked around once more.
"Do you want to transform to a wolf?" Midna asked and Link nodded, wolf felt safer. He felt how his body changed and soon he stood on the four so familiar legs, with Midna on his back. Link looked up at Midna and she nodded before he ran into the forest.
Flowers were crushed when Chell sprinted across them. She ran with big leaps and after a while she reached a large cliff. She immediately stopped and a little cloud of dust formed around her. Firstly, a high fall. Then a little stream. After that came a little meadow. Lastly, a forest.
Chell nodded and jumped, though the fall was high, she landed softly on the ground. Not even a scratch.
She sprinted as fast as she could, and skipped over the stream. A few drops of water splashed her calf and made the lower part of her legs a bit wet. She ran across the meadow and into the forest.
The woods were filled with tons of trees of different kinds, many that Chell didn't even know to exist. She felt very shocked, she was free. She'd never came this far from Aperture Science before, someone had always managed to drag her back.
She sat down by a tree and sighed loudly. It felt weird to use her vocal cords, she hadn't talked or made any kind of sound for a very long time.
Chell quickly stood up, she'd heard someone screaming. She followed the sound and saw something she'd never seen before, a black portal. It was like a normal portal, but instead of orange or blue, this one was black. And what did a portal do in the middle of nowhere? They could only be created by a portalgun or a wall emitter. Or could they?
It seemed so, anyway.
But Chell had never seen them before. The sound came from in there and Chell decided to follow it. She walked through the portal and arrived in another forest. It was pretty alike the one before, but not entirely.
"Link, I tried to catch you."
Chell hid herself behind a tree and kept litsening to the conversation between a man in green clothes and a little grey creature.
"Where are we? This is not Hyrule. Do you want to transform into a wolf?"
Chell stared, surprised, at the man who changed appearance to a wolf. She couldn't believe her eyes, what had just happened? The wolf ran towards her and she held her breath to avoid being noticed.
A loud whooshing sound was heard in the forest, and the blue police box appeared in the next moment between two leaning trees. The Doctor stepped out of it and happily looked around, this forest looked beautiful. He wondered if anything special would happen to this world, since the TARDIS had chose this particular place and time. Further ahead he saw a woman in orange who hid behind a tree. She looked nervous, and he cheerfully walked over to her. He talked with a loud voice, since the cheerful birds were loud themselves.
"Hello, say, you don't know where we are?"


17 jan, 2013 12:59

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2013-02-10 kl. 23:40
Antal ändringar: 1



Ska läsa så snart jag hinner! 8D Verkar jätteawesome! ^^

17 jan, 2013 14:52

Cara Riddle


så awesome ^^

jag gillar verkligen att läsa den här ^^


17 jan, 2013 15:14



(tack allihop! ^^)

Chapter three: Flashbacks

The Doctor opened his eyes. Why did he have to remember these things in particular right now? These dark dark times... Why them? Why... That was the big question. "Answer me!" the other man in the room shouted. "Where are they?! WHERE ARE THEY?!" his voice was very dark and it sounded like he'd swallowed a handfull of gravel. Doctor grinned at him. He felt the memories coming back. "A-allons-y..."

"Hello, say, you don't know where we are?" he said with a loud voice, and the woman's eyes were filled with panic. "Uhm, did you hear me? Oh, sorry, where's my manners... Would you fancy a cup of tea?"
He looked at the woman and waited for an answer.
"You don't say much, do you?" he said, louder this time. "Do you???" he sadi, slower, as if she didn't understand him.
"Well, I guess that answers the question. I, personally, would LOVE a cup of tea right now!"
He reached inside his inner pocket and pulled out a thermos filled with tea, then poured up some in to the cup and drank it all in one gulp.
"Now, that's better, don't you think?" she didn't answer. "No? I might as well..." he said and repeated the procedure.
Chell stared at the man annoyingly, half paniced, that was speaking to her. She put her index finger to her lips in a gesture for him to shut up. He didn't seem to understand that this was a very inconvenient time to talk. Loudly as well.
She nodded towards the green man, who she though was called Link, and hoped he would understand.
Allthough, she hadn't had a cup of tea for a very long time. She ripped the cup from his hands and sipped quietly from the steaming brew. Sweet, but not too sweet. With a hint of lemon. It was actually very tasty. If they wouldn't have been in mortal danger, she would have loved to have another cup.
"Don't just stand there, Link." said Midna, and he growled silently at her. He went to the two creatures, not threatfully, yet far from relaxed. Midna jumped from his back and walked to them, and poked them both.
"They look strange, and they don't look like you Hyrules do." she said to Link, who had stopped.
The Doctor grinned at the woman.
"A poke party, eh? I can poke too!" he poked her several times on her cheek. "Poke poke poke!" the woman looked annoyed, then he turned to the orange dressed.
"She doesn't say much, I know, it's weird. But at least she drinks tea!" he said cheerfully, then he saw the wolf's annoyed eyes. "Your pet doesn't seem like other wolves, not at all, what did you give him? Could I have some? Just kidding!" he laughed at his own joke.
"Fancy cup of tea?" all this he said very quickly, without any breathing pauses.


19 jan, 2013 16:28

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2013-02-10 kl. 23:41
Antal ändringar: 1

Cara Riddle


hihihi yeay ^^ asså jag älskar verkligen poke delen xD


19 jan, 2013 19:25



Ih det är jättebra!
Du är duktig på att skriva, Andreas!

Läser gärna mer! ^^

19 jan, 2013 20:23




First time I read a DW-fanfic! And it's very good!

Imagination and dreaming is my life

20 jan, 2013 21:04



You should write more, Andreas, we love it! 8D

10 feb, 2013 19:49

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