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Indulgence of Right

Forum > Fanfiction > Indulgence of Right

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China Caine


Rating: PG/PG-13
Språk: Engelska
Varning: En del kan uppleva the här som frånstötande, obehagligt och helt enkelt fucked-up. Vilket det är. För det är så jag skriver. Men bara så att ni vet det.
Det är en titt in i Dracos sinne, då han är tillsammans med en viss kvinna. Om ni förstår vem det är, kudos till er. Känn er fria att kommentera era gissningar/tankar om henne, och deras 'förhållande'. Hell, känn er fria att kommentera, punkt.
Del II: http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=14474


The heat of bodies and the rhythm of sex, and the feeling of overwhelming... what? I couldn’t tell. All was blurry, out of focus and unimportant. All but her. Her beauty made me ache, made me feel all of those carnal urges that I’d always thought contemptiously of as the longing of the gutter of the human race. The fools who let themselves be controlled by it, and those that actually thought it meant something. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. But yet... here I was. Feeling all of those things myself. Finding myself truly wanting, for the first time in my life. And even more, acting upon that want. And finding that the object of my lust was willing, eager even, to please my irrational feelings. To sate me.
The first move, always meant to be awkward, that seemed so perfect. A light touch. No shying away, no nervous clumsyness. By then I had long given up on fighting it, and it simply didn’t matter how she reacted to my actions. Willing or no, she was mine to take. And I would take her. No matter what. But as it went, she moved into my touch, embraced my harsh ways and responded with those of her own. As if she had been longing for this herself for a very long time. But I don’t think she had. I think she just realized, uncounsciously, that if she tried to back away or fight, I would force myself upon her without mercy or second thought. So beautiful.
Something’s... something’s... What is it? What is that feeling? Picking away at the edges, making me feel like I should stop and think. I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t want to think. I just wanted to act, act, act, and feel her act with me. But there it was, and I didn’t like it. Ah, the warmth of her. The pulsing, aching need, and her oh so salvagingly wonderful warmth. Just a bit more now.
Could you call it the longing to go back? No, that’s a bit to perverse even for my current state of mind. Not back. Right. Going right. That was how it felt. So wonderfully right. Right? A shudder and yes, oh yes, right, right, right. The most perfect ever. Except for that nagging feeling that I couldn’t identify. That tickling, awful feeling that... what? I should know, but I can’t remember. She does that to me, makes everything hazy with lust. Covered in the mists of my own obscene imagination. Twisted beyond recognition, until all was just... her.
Oh, it was close now. So very close. The upbeat, the climax, the waves of pleasure that would hit the beach that was my mind, washing away that spindely, tickling feeling of something-or-other-worthless-emotion. My God, she was beautiful in that shameful, detestable position. Bitter, oh so bitter. That cunt was taking my sanity from me, causing me to lose my mind and want no more than to induldge myself in her. Filthy whore. Wait, what? That wasn’t right. Beautiful. Grace and elegancy. Yeah, that was better. Bitter, brittle, breaking. I’m sorry. You didn’t actually want this, did you? You just gave me what I wanted, selflessly sacrificing your honor for me. I did this to you. I’m the one who’s filthy.
But it feels so right. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But those are just word, aren’t they? They have nothing on wants, unable to top this burning sensation. Especially now, as it’s reaching it’s peak. So very close now. So very very. On the edge and- Oh. I see now. I found the word that can top this. A single word that can shatter all of this. Entangled limbs, shaky breathing, burning pleasure and the musky scent of sweat, blood and semen.

29 jan, 2012 01:11

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-01-30 kl. 18:04
Antal ändringar: 1



Jag förstod vad du menade med fuckd up...

Menmen det här var ajfajkfad så bra skrivet! Och jag vill ha mer!


29 jan, 2012 02:12

China Caine


Skrivet av kya:
Jag förstod vad du menade med fuckd up...

Menmen det här var ajfajkfad så bra skrivet! Och jag vill ha mer!

Hehe^^ Tack :3
Än så länge står det här som en one-shot. Kanske blir det något mer, men jag tror inte det... Mina texter brukar bli one-shots. Men jag kommer kanske skriva något helt annat och lägga upp någon gång. Du får väl hålla utkik^^
Men han du några gissningar om 'her/she'?

29 jan, 2012 18:13



Skrivet av China Caine:
Skrivet av kya:
Jag förstod vad du menade med fuckd up...

Menmen det här var ajfajkfad så bra skrivet! Och jag vill ha mer!

Hehe^^ Tack :3
Än så länge står det här som en one-shot. Kanske blir det något mer, men jag tror inte det... Mina texter brukar bli one-shots. Men jag kommer kanske skriva något helt annat och lägga upp någon gång. Du får väl hålla utkik^^
Men han du några gissningar om 'her/she'?

Njaee, jag har ingen aning faktiskt... men eftersom jag halvt shippar Dramione så hoppas jag nog på Hermione xD


29 jan, 2012 18:17

China Caine


Skrivet av China Caine:

Njaee, jag har ingen aning faktiskt... men eftersom jag halvt shippar Dramione så hoppas jag nog på Hermione xD

Aha^^ Nej, det var inte henne jag tänkte på när jag skrev det. Men det fina med att inte namnge karaktärerna är att man kan föreställa sig det som vem som helst.

29 jan, 2012 18:21



Ingen fortsättning? Vad säger du kvinna? </3

"Weasley is our king."

29 jan, 2012 19:08

China Caine


Skrivet av Maa:
Ingen fortsättning? Vad säger du kvinna? </3

Om det blir en fortsättning skulle det inte bli mer än på sin höjd en löst bunden one-shot </3
Jag arbetar bäst med one-shots, sad truth.

29 jan, 2012 19:18



Skrivet av China Caine:
Skrivet av Maa:
Ingen fortsättning? Vad säger du kvinna? </3

Om det blir en fortsättning skulle det inte bli mer än på sin höjd en löst bunden one-shot </3
Jag arbetar bäst med one-shots, sad truth.

Jaja, det var grymt iallafall. C:

"Weasley is our king."

29 jan, 2012 19:20



Ja det var grymt bra skrivet! Skriv något mer?


29 jan, 2012 19:34

China Caine


31 jan, 2012 12:48

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