A silverdoe on fire [ENG]
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Titel: A silverdoe on fire
Språk: Engelska Typ av text: Fanfiction Antal kapitel hittills: Inte många Färdigskriven: Nope Rating: Ugh, PG-13, kanske? Nej, jag vet inte, men avgör själv om du vill läsa, kommer dock innehålla seriösa mindproblems Beskrivning: Severus Snapes Liv är inte så fantastiskt i alla lägen. Inte mycket kommer till hans fördel. Så varför inte ta och tala om hur det är, att se sak på sak bli fel? Utdrag ur en dagbok, tankar och små berättelser. Det är så jag för er ska berätta, och hur silverhinden fattade eld. Prologue From the moment I saw you, I knew. I knew just how much i loved you. I knew just how much I wanted you. I knew just how much i couldn’t get you. Our world is a cruel place. A human heart is always searching. For answers and for love. We will never be happy, always want more. I do, I know. But I’ll never get it. The love is out there, she is. But I’ll never find her. Cause I’m stuck in my own heart. A prisoner in my dreams. A failure in the world of love. But seriously, what can I do? She is the only one i want, the only one I can ever love. I don’t want to look for love. The one is already gone. Lost. In love with somebody else. Some times, when I lie awake at night, I wonder what it would be like if she loved me. Me. And not him. But how can I decide who she’ll love. Who am I to write her life? But still, who is he to? Oh, I just wish it was over, and I wish you were here with me. But no, I have to struggle, alone. I’m no criminal. But everyone seam to think I am. Maybe I was. But things change, people change. I did. But now time is running out. Can I protect her? Om detta låter intressant, så ska jag fortsätta. Om det låter tråkigt ska jag lägga det på hatthyllan. Vad säger ni? Det finns mitt i skogen en oväntad glänta som bara kan hittas av den som gått vilse. 6 jan, 2012 23:44 |
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7 jan, 2012 01:57 |
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Hmm, okej, jag tänkte att vi börjar med två stycken delar. Ett dagboksutdrag och en berättelse.
9 January 1969 This would make my 9th birthday. But still, I really can’t feel it. It’s just like a normal day. The same breakfast, the same work, the same clothes, the same lunch, same dinner, same work, same quarrel. Nothing ever change. Not in this house anyway. A year ago, mum forgot my birthday. Praise the lord, she didn’t this year. Though, all she did was to trow me another of dads old shirts. And this one has a bog green spot. Probably from a potion, or maybe a spell. I don’t know, really don’t care either. Like I said, this day has been just like any other one. Good night. Wish tomorrow will be better. Maybe it will. I don’t know. Severus turned around just to se a plate fly past his eyes, just missing his head with inches. It flew into a wall, and broke into a thousand pieces. Just like magic, or maybe not. Just like usual would be a better description. ”Leave, leave now.” her voice sound angry, just as usual, but somewhere deep down there was sorrow. But Severus didn’t care. The woman didn’t deserve his compassion. All she did to him, all the things she had done during his nine years of life could never, never, ever...She could never make up to all that abuse. Not that he wanted her to either. But if she just would have loved him, just a little....But no. She just didn’t. Severus aimed for the door. He just couldn’t stay here. There lay to mush hatred in the atmosphere. All against him. Okay, that was not fair, and so not true. But he still couldn’t stay here. ”Where are you going?” She shouted and lifted her hand to throw another plate at him. ”Leave. You told me to.” This time he had to jump aside to not get hit by the next flying plate. In a blink of an eye, Severus slipped out trough the door, leaving hell on the other side. A cold wind hit him at once, making the day a bad hair day. Severus pulled the thin shirt tighter around him. It didn’t help at all. The damn wind just wanted to make him freeze. Had it no compassion? Why did everyone hate him so much? What had he done to deserve this? Maybe he just should go back inside? Take it all. It wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before. But no, he wouldn’t give in. Not now, not this time. Not even the winter wind was going to bring him down. He was not going to let her get to him. He would go to the park. And sit there for hours, and not go back until it was so late that she would have gone to bed, for sure. Then he would sneak in, quiet, go to bed and await the next day. _________________________________________ Hmm? Det finns mitt i skogen en oväntad glänta som bara kan hittas av den som gått vilse. 8 jan, 2012 22:00 |
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8 jan, 2012 22:08 |
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Yupp here comes the next one. Bara en liten historia denne gång med
![]() It was early spring. Small flowers were just about to blossom everywhere and tiny babyish leaves on every tree made the whole world look like a kindergarden for plants. The sky had a deep blue colour and not a single cloud showed. A very beautiful day really, if you had time, and eyes to see it. Something young Severus didn’t have. All he thought about was this mornings quarrel. Something about a broom that dad had thrown out, and mum was furious. Severus had once again escaped flying plates and glasses and gone out. The meadow was his goal this day. The meadow was a beautiful place, still nothing he cared about. It was full of small lilies and petunias. And the long, soft, green grass had a lovely smell. Trees were growing all around the meadow. Not big, old, grey trees, but small, green, babyish trees. A shiny lake at the other side of the meadow lay in shadow of a great willow. This was not like the other trees, bur far older, and very grey. This was the best place at the whole meadow according to Severus. To that place he came very often. Almost every time his parents had a problem. But today he wasn’t going to sit there. Cause the place were already taken by that girl and her sister. Severus hadn’t yet dared to confront her. But he knew. Knew who she was, and what she was. Some day he was going to tell her. He was going to. Not some teacher this time. And she was going to like him, and that beautiful long hair was going to be his. His fingers were going to touch it and pull trough and feel the silkiness. Not anyone else. He usually spied on the girl. So this wasn’t the first time. Her name was Lily, like the lilies on the meadow. And she were just like them too. Pretty and lovely. Her green eye, yes actually Severus had come close enough to se them once, were like the grass. You could really say she was mother nature. Or at least the goddess of the meadow. The way her legs danced as she walked, and the way her smile made every little pice of Severus body shiver, that was the proof of her loveliness. Severus hid behind a bush, and with help of his thing, he could conceal every little part of him, making him invisible to the girls. There he sat, just watching them. As they play, hour after hour. Until, they turned. Oh how he wished she would stay, just so he could talk to her. Just for a minute. But no, she followed her sister. Every little step she made. Oh that, damned mugglefreak! Det finns mitt i skogen en oväntad glänta som bara kan hittas av den som gått vilse. 10 jan, 2012 21:09 |
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11 jan, 2012 09:21 |
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11 jan, 2012 11:47 |
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Du är väldigt duktig på att skriva! Vill gärna läsa mer c:
11 jan, 2012 13:46 |
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Hmm, idag blir det ett dagboksutdrag
![]() 3 March 1969, Still spring, oh really, why do I even bother? It’s her i want. No one else. Not the spring, noit the summer. Not this year. Oh of course, the school, Hogwarts, well that could be kind of nice to, but Lily, oh Lily. You are so beautiful. You are like sunshine, like lilies and roses. You are everything that is good and beautiful in this world, I think. If good things are good. I don’t know. Really what is good and bad? That mugglefreak, she’s like hell. And I mean, Lily is good and her sister, right? Oh no, this is way to overkill. Today mum threw dad out again. Surprised? I am not. She did it again. And probably she’ll do it many more times. Dear diary, thats sounds kind of lame. So I’ve chosen to call you Lily, after Her. So, dear Lily, good night. Tomorrow I’ll talk to her, show her. Or maybe another day, if that stupid mugglefreak isn’t with her. Det finns mitt i skogen en oväntad glänta som bara kan hittas av den som gått vilse. 14 jan, 2012 17:47 |
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Åh, superfina formuleringar och ordval. Din engelska är riktigt bra. Uppdatera snart!
![]() 22 jan, 2012 19:10 |
Du får inte svara på den här tråden.