Back to wonderland [EN]
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Five years before a girl fell down a rabbit hole
She got upp again and five years past she never thought she'd miss it at last She did'nt fall down the way she planed and what did she se whe she finally hit land? Nothing but a crippled wonderland... Chapter 1: I stood infront of the tree with the rabit hole just infront of it. There was a big spidersnet with a horrendous spider in the middle, eating its pray. I felt quite sad about the poor fly being eaten alive but I guess even ugly creatures is in need of food. I cravled under the net and fell, faster than usual. I landed on the hard stonefloor. I fell hard and felt blood run down my nose. The walls in the round little room were nothing a like. The walls were rotten and the bottle with shrinking potion was dusty. I drank the liquid in the dusty bottle and shrank to the size of a squirrle. As I walked through the door I noticed that it was'nt locked as it usually was. Utside the door it was like in the rotten room. Nothing was a like. te trees were grey and blak striped and the path was grey and dusty. The grass has witherd and the lefs had fallen off. She started to walk the same path as she did before and stumbler upon the chesshire cat. He looked exhaused. "Mr cat?", I said. "Yeess", he answeres "Oh Alice nice to se you back here. But as you see nothing is what it was before, nighter on the roof or on the flood. "I see, but might I ask mr cat, how did this happen?" Vad tycker ni? ska jag fortsätta? ![]() 18 jul, 2013 21:56 |
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Den var bra
![]() 20 jul, 2013 08:38 |
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Jag vill gärna ha kritik
![]() 21 jul, 2013 16:13 |
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22 jul, 2013 01:04 |
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The cheshire cat looked att her seriously. Something he had never done before.
"Why are you curious about such a horrible thing?" She got a little bit nervous about him being serious but simply asked: "dont you think theres something that I can do?" "I do not know if you can" he said with a sad smile."The evil queen has taken over and she has sucked all imagination out of kids. They simply dont believe in us anymore. And all of us is to weak to do something. Our time will soon be over, Alice, wonderland is dying." He said with a sad smile. "Queen of hea..." "No not this time. This time its the queen of spades and shes very powerful. She has'nt showed up here a lot, thats probably why you hav'nt seen her. Tell you what! Go to the mad hatter. Episoderna ska bli längre men min bror vill ha sin data ![]() 22 jul, 2013 18:37 |
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29 jul, 2013 05:08 |
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As I walked through the forest of wonderland I saw the trees crumble and I saw the grass go brown. The flowers who once sang was crying.
I finally arrived to the place who once was happy but today it was a place of sadness. "Sorry, non birthday" said the mad hatter sadly. "Why has this happend to wonderland" I asked with tears in my throat. "Well, you se. Its the children." He said. "The children?" "They do not believe in fairytales anymore." Nästa ska bli längre... 1 aug, 2013 01:08 |
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1 aug, 2013 01:15 |
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13 aug, 2013 23:52 |
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"What does that have to do with wonderland?" I asked.
"Well, you see wonderland is built on a fine level of childrens imagination, if its to high we go completly mad, truest me, even more mad than we usually are." The mad hatter looked down at his shoes." But if there isn't enough children believing in fairytales the wonderland falls apart." "What can we do?" I asked. "Nothing" the hatter answerd "Nothing but seing everything fall apart." A strong sence of anger fills my body. There must be something I can do to fix this. 14 aug, 2013 00:04 |
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