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Forever (ENG)

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Titel: Forever
Ratings: G-PG
Kapitel hittils: 1
Färdig: Ja
Beskrivning Jag har länge velat lägga upp en fanfiction här på Mugglis och när jag väl gjorde det fick det bli en liten engelsk oneshot med mitt favoritpar Remus och Tonks.... Jag gillar att skriva och speciellt på engelska men vill gärna bli bättre, så konstruktiv kritik uppskattas!


She always woke before him the days after a fullmoon. When she realized he was still asleep she used to lie there and just stare at him. He looked so innocent when he was sleeping, so peaceful. Despite his pale face, all the lines that had came to early and the scars that always shone particularly red against his face after the moon when he was extra pale you couldn’t really tell anything about how exhausted he was after the transformation. Or about how worried he was, but he was, always, over her and the war… But as long as he was asleep it was nothing you really noticed. Yet sometimes she wished he would stop being so anxious about everything and just relax a bit. But she guessed that he couldn’t stop worrying about what would happen if wrong parts of the Ministry found out that she was now married to a werewolf like him. She also assumed that it was her fault in the first place since she had come home last week and told him what Kingsley had told her about the ministry’s new rules against so-called “half-breeds-marriages” if the Ministry found out about them, they would take him away and she would be forced to pretend she didn’t knew him. That news had seemed to scare him out of his senses, but then again almost everything about their marriage seemed to scare him more or less out of his senses. The possibility that he could hurt her once a month, the fact that he became dangerous for her –his wife-
was probably what scared him the most. It had taken a long time before she could convince him that she didn’t care about that he claimed to be too old for her, too poor, to dangerous and a whole lot of other things. In fact she almost couldn’t believe that they were finally married now after all the ups and the downs!

She never got tired of looking at him. She used to just look at his whole perfect appearance, stroke him over the greying brown hair and whisper in his ear, whisper things like:
“You are human, you are worthy, and above all you are loved” and sort of childishly hope that he would hear the words in his sleep and take them in…

When the sun rose over the rooftops in London and its beams forced their way through the curtains and into the dark bedroom he used to open his light brown eyes and see her lying there. Lying there looking at him, her hands in his hair “Wotcher Wolfie!” she used to say with a big smile and her hair the colour of vividest pink.
“So, you can still stand me Nymphadora?” He used to ask with a lazy drawn-out voice touched with sleep and a smirk that always made her want his touch so badly that it didn’t even matter that he used her firstname.
“Forever, Remus!”
“And ever?”
“Even more!”

Sådär det var det, kommentera gärna, då blir jag GLAD

8 jan, 2012 15:10



den var fin! *-*
skriv mer

8 jan, 2012 15:18



Skrivet av Borttagen:
den var fin! *-*
skriv mer

tack ♥
Tyvärr tror jag att den är klar, men jag kanske skriver något mer om fler läser

8 jan, 2012 15:23



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
den var fin! *-*
skriv mer

tack ♥
Tyvärr tror jag att den är klar, men jag kanske skriver något mer om fler läser
Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
den var fin! *-*
skriv mer

tack ♥
Tyvärr tror jag att den är klar, men jag kanske skriver något mer om fler läser
Klar? Tusan! den vaar ju super bra!

There is no good and evil, there is only power. Läs gärna min påbörjade fanfiction! http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13224 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi.picasion.com%2Fpic55%2F8bc9d096077474eaed6358ee8a634e98.gif

18 jan, 2012 20:20



Skrivet av Ultramannen:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
den var fin! *-*
skriv mer

tack ♥
Tyvärr tror jag att den är klar, men jag kanske skriver något mer om fler läser
Skrivet av Borttagen:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
den var fin! *-*
skriv mer

tack ♥
Tyvärr tror jag att den är klar, men jag kanske skriver något mer om fler läser
Klar? Tusan! den vaar ju super bra!

Tack så mycket

18 jan, 2012 21:05



Wow, det var verkligen vackert skrivet. Riktigt fint att få en liten insyn i hur Nymphadora kan ha haft det när hon gifte sig med Lupin. Det känns väldigt in character so thats good

As for the english, it is very good. Kunde bara hitta ett fåtal småsaker, annars är det riktigt awesome! Du måste fortsätta skriva! I will definitely read!

22 jan, 2012 19:06



Skrivet av dani:
Wow, det var verkligen vackert skrivet. Riktigt fint att få en liten insyn i hur Nymphadora kan ha haft det när hon gifte sig med Lupin. Det känns väldigt in character so thats good

As for the english, it is very good. Kunde bara hitta ett fåtal småsaker, annars är det riktigt awesome! Du måste fortsätta skriva! I will definitely read!

Tack så väldigt, väldigt mycket!

26 jan, 2012 21:15



jätte bra!

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

16 feb, 2012 18:07

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