Black Skies [ENG]
Forum > Fanfiction > Black Skies [ENG]
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11 sep, 2011 21:01 |
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Sååå bra! ♥
13 sep, 2011 18:35 |
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![]() (I know it took a while, sorry.) ♥ _____________________________________________________________________ The next day, Lily was awoken by the throbbing pain in her head. It took a while for her to remember the happenings of the previous night, but when she did, the memory hit her hard. Had Sirius Black really? carried her? She pushed the thought away. She cursed to herself as she tried to sit up but fell back down. Her balance was definitely not cooperating today. The sun rays streaming through the slits in her thick curtains informed that she had missed breakfast; it was probably closer to lunch. She groaned and with some effort managed to get out of bed, put on a t-shirt and a pair of slippers. Another sign of the late hour was the fact that all of her friends were out of bed, and even Alice, who was known for her habit of sleeping well into the afternoon during weekends, was nowhere to be seen, Lily opened the door and got out of the dorm, down into the not so crowded common room, receiving a few weird looks from a few studying girls. Is that Lily Evans? The head girl? She wasn't a pretty sight. Her long red hair was dirty and matted, and the big t-shirt had a big stain of wine on it, from a night a few weeks ago. It had been during one of the infamous Gryffindor common room parties, when a wasted Sirius Black had slipped while holding a bottle of wine and had fallen right at her. She sighed. She looked like she could be a drinker, which she was not, even though most of her friends seemed to like the parties that the Marauders occasionally threw. She tip toed her way over to the big common room bathroom, and slipped in a booth. On her way back to the dormitory a voice called her name. "Evans!" She groaned as she recognised the voice. It wasn't just anyone, it was James Potter. "What?" she hissed impatiently. She wasn't even dressed, for crying out loud! She turned around, facing him angrily. Potter took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak but fell silent as he took in her appearance. Despite being extremely irritated, Lily almost smirked at this; even Potter who claimed he loved her with all his heart probably found her at least a little repulsive. Perhaps she should dress like this everyday and then he would stop being such a pain in her ass. "Er, you know what, I-,I can take it..-" "Whatever." Lily said, cutting him off, not even bothering to listen to his attempt of catching her interest. "Idiot," she muttered to herself as she passed him and made her way up the stairs to the sixth year's girl dormitory. Potter just stared at the redhead in awe. God, he loved that girl. Later that day, while in Defence Against the Dark Arts class, someone tapped her on her shoulder. She, who had been busy scanning through her paper with a big, red O shining for the whole class to see, ignored it. She was already in a pretty bad mood, partly because of the previous night, and sighed loudly as this very persistent person tapped her shoulder again. "Yes?" she said coolly, swallowing back the urge to turn around and smack the person's face. She continued to, at least pretend to, read her paper. "Lily." Oh, she did not like the sound of that voice. Not again. "Potter?" she hissed, showing no hint of politeness by turning around or acknowledging him at all. "Can we talk?" he said, his voice actually sounding like the 17 year old boy he was. It was not at all the same smooth melody of Black, but at least it wasn't that high pitched sound he usually produced while surrounded by his fan club. Lily decided to ignore his question, instead, countering with one herself. "Aren't you supposed to be at your desk, being Head Boy and all?" she asked, turning around and looking him straight in the eye with a stare so cold it would probably qualify among the Slytherin girls. She could hear Potter take in a sharp breath. "Um, yes.. Well, er, yeah, I suppose so?" hesitantly, he went back to his bench, where Black sat with his head bent over his own paper. His dark hair seemed to gleam as the sun rays streamed through the high windows of the old classroom and she caught herself staring at the back of his head, intensely wishing he would turn around. Potter sat down next to him, and she looked away. This was going to be a long year. ******************** The candle on the oaken table was slowly burning down and the shadows were, at the same pace, growing stronger; Lily Evans had yet to notice the darkness that was falling upon her. She was seated by her favourite spot in the huge Hogwarts library, currently reading a book about potions. Next to the book was a roll of parchment almost two feet long, filled from top to bottom with small and pretty beautiful handwriting. The silence did not at all bother the lone girl at the table. It was close to midnight and Madam Pince had been kind enough to let her stay an extra ten minutes after closing. Grateful, Lily kept studying intensely, trying to finish off her essay before it was time for bed. She could feel her eyes getting heavy and was anxious to get back to the common room. Thankfully, it had been Potter's night to do rounds so she could focus entirely on her homework. Her deep concentration was suddenly interrupted by two voices, whispering fiercely, as if arguing. The library itself seemed to darken even further, and it was not a result of the slowly burning candles. "You have to stop this, Bella... Don't push him away?" Lily stiffened. It was the smooth voice of Narcissa Black and apparently, given the nickname, she was accompanied by her sister, Bellatrix Black. Lily held her breath. Lily had never associated with any of the Slytherins, and they effectively kept away from her, but there was something about the Black sisters that always seemed to catch her attention. Upon entering the Great Hall by breakfast, they always attracted a lot of attention; the two dark haired beauties with their dramatic looks and the blonde girl, the little sister with her bright blue eyes and defined, petite features. They were all different in very different ways; Bellatrix because of her sometimes provocative dressing and always so challenging mood, Narcissa because of her since long perfected coldness, grace and elegance and Andromeda because of how she didn't really seem to fit in Slytherin at all. They were all special, and they were all beautiful. There was something about the trio, Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa, that, embarrassingly enough, affected her and always left her wondering what their pureblood childhood had really been like. Lily had spoken to Andromeda plenty of times through Ted Tonks, who she was pretty good friends with, but the other two sisters, the proud (and in Bellatrix's case, dangerous) and fine Black women belonged to a world she would never fully understand. As they rounded the corner Lily kept her head bent down, trying to attract as little attention as possible from the two girls. "He knows what he is doing, Cissy. He betrayed the family." Bellatrix said, raising her voice in clear annoyance. "But, but..." the younger girl pleaded to her sister, tears in her beautiful blue eyes. "It's Sirius. We love him." Lily stiffened even further. They were talking about Sirius. The biggest prejudice she had ever had and ever would have about Slytherins was crushed into millions of tiny pieces. They cared. "I know, Cissy." Bellatrix answered and for the first time, Lily could hint a spark of uncertainty in her strong voice. "I know." It was so un-Bellatrix like, Lily thought she'd might be dreaming. The two sisters passed her, so absorbed in their conversation, that she was left unnoticed. She sighed with relief. As she a few minutes later, made her way back to the common room, walking through the dark corridors of the castle, she was still thinking of them. "But, but... It's Sirius. We love him." She started running. 7 nov, 2011 18:22
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2011-11- 7 kl. 19:41
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AWESOME. Så awesome så det är inte klokt!
♏︎ 7 nov, 2011 18:47 |
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Soooo awesome! Du äger på att skriva!
7 nov, 2011 21:34 |
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Herrejävlar!! You've left me speachless girl. Jag kan inte mer än att hålla med allt som sagts! Jag har läst en himla massa engelsk fan fiction i mina dar, det ska du veta, och jag måste säga att detta är någon utav de bästa jag har läst! Du är verkligen begåvad och jag slår vad om att vi kommer se ditt namn på någon utav böckerna på bästsäljarlistan en vacker dag. Jag ser verkligen fram emot nästa kapitel! Herregud människa... två ord: PURE AWESOMENESS.
En vis björn sade en gång: ”Om du försöker ignorera en knackning på din dörr, skrik då inte ’Nej!’ när någon frågar: ’Är det någon hemma?’” 7 nov, 2011 22:46 |
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Skrivet av Katla: aaaaaaaaaah tack så SJUKT MYCKET, Katla! Blir så himla glad! AWESOME. Så awesome så det är inte klokt! ![]() Skrivet av Borttagen: Thank you very very very very much, my friend. ♥Soooo awesome! Du äger på att skriva! Skrivet av ni-vet-vem: Herrejävlar!! You've left me speachless girl. Jag kan inte mer än att hålla med allt som sagts! Jag har läst en himla massa engelsk fan fiction i mina dar, det ska du veta, och jag måste säga att detta är någon utav de bästa jag har läst! Du är verkligen begåvad och jag slår vad om att vi kommer se ditt namn på någon utav böckerna på bästsäljarlistan en vacker dag. Jag ser verkligen fram emot nästa kapitel! Herregud människa... två ord: PURE AWESOMENESS. ÅH, vad glad jag blir när jag läser det här. Det är helt sjukt vad peppad man blir att skriva när man får sådana här awesomely great comments. Åh så kul, jag ska se till att nästa kapitel kommer upp snart! THANKS for making my day ni-vet-vem ♥ AND ON WITH THE NEXT CHAPTER, HURRAY! ![]() ![]() _________________________________________________________________________________ Lily Evans ran all the way up to the common room without even stopping to catch her breath. Not until she was facing the Fat Lady, did she stop, panting heavily. She mumbled the password and stepped inside the warmth of the usually crowded Gryffindor common room which was now, on the contrary, almost completely empty. The high windows did not let any light enter, for there was none that the sky could offer. The only source of light was the slow glowing of the candles casting shadows around the room. Before she had the chance to step out of the shadowy corner by the entrance, two voices caught her attention, and she stilled, momentarily stunned. "I wish we could a find a way to get back at Bella..." James Potter said, throwing himself at one of the sofas, grinning. He was probably referring to the earlier incident at dinner in the Great Hall, Lily mused as she stepped to the side in an attempt to hide in the shadows, where a very irritated Sirius and Bellatrix had snapped at each other's throats for the whole school to hear and see. They had been fighting for several weeks now, and each confrontation was more loaded than the other. Luckily, McGonagall had come to shove them off each other before it developed into more than mere insults. Both Blacks were known for their bad temper, passionate loyalty and tendency to throw around insults at anyone they disliked. For the first time in their lives, it was each other. Standing in the shadows, Lily tried not to move and in that way attract attention. Sirius Black sighed as he lazily seated himself in one of the huge armchairs. "Nah, I don't know. Maybe we should just leave her alone. I'm not kidding when I say she's crazy." He said, trying to grin but failing miserably. The only Gryffindor who could say this and to a full extent know how the word crazy applied to Bellatrix Black was Sirius Black, her cousin. Lily had a vague memory of Sirius talking loudly of childhood moments between the two where they had accidentally set each other on fire, along with similar situations. "Well well, Padfoot, it's your cousin after all, you have to have something in common." James said with a mocking smile. Sirius however, responded quickly: "Well, she is hot." his enchanting voice grew lower. "I know you think so, I have heard you talking about her in sleep." He closed his eyes, mimicking a sleeping Potter. "Oh Bella, don't stop, pleeease." he laughed hoarsely with a humorous glint in his eyes, watching as James' face grew red. Even Lily smirked a little; the thought of Potter and Bellatrix Black together was hilarious. "I do not." he mumbled faintly, and he shuddered, looking out at the dark common room, as if checking if there was anyone there who might overhear. He did not spot Lily in the shadows, although his gaze seemed to linger in her corner, as if he could feel her presence. It might be his magical powers, some wizards could simply feel the presence of another soul. Many aurors had this kind of magical and very minor talent. But he could barely be that advanced, he was only seventeen. Maybe he was just very attentive in general. James eyes wandered back to Sirius. "Of course you don't." Sirius said happily. Then suddenly his expression grew serious. "All you can think about is Evans, anyways." He made a very strange noise that sounded like something in between a laugher and a cough. Lily had no idea what he meant with it, though she was a little surprised that they suddenly were talking about her, and even more surprised of the tone in which Black said her name. Did he know she was standing there? She took a tiny step back, as if that would warrant her safety. She leant against the wall in the shadows and closed her eyes. Maybe she should stop hiding. Maybe she could simply take a step forward, say a casual hi and then head up to her dormitory. There was an unnerving silence between the two boys as they were both lost in deep thought and before Lily had the chance to understand her own actions, her legs carried her forward into the vague light, her mouth opened by itself and out flew the casual word: ”Hi.” Both boys jumped out of their chairs, startled. ”Lily.” James sighed happily and gave her a goofy, love-sick smile which almost made her barf. Lily swallowed and prepared to head over to the staircase leading to the dormitories but was stopped by the intoxicating voice of Sirius Black. ”How long've you been standing there?” He looked at her with wary eyes, lips pressed together as he stood up and stared her down. He had a great and strong posture, and his hands were placed on his hips. His body was sending a clear message: you won't pass until I let you. ”Ummm...” Lily's eyes darted around the room not finding anything comfortable to rest on. ”I... don't know?” She hadn't meant it to come out as a question but there was something about Black that made her incapable to control her words or actions. Her body and mind seemed to be unsynced as hell. ”You surely you know it's impolite to eavesdrop.” Black's face hardened even further and the words he said were being spat out furiously. His smooth voice sounded like a thundering storm and Lily felt a strange sensation run down her spine. ”Uh...” Lily was speechless, trying with all her power to not say anything stupid like ”your voice is like a thunderstorm” because that sounded bloody queer and yet it was the only thought occupying her slow brain at the moment. ”Cut it, Padfood, give the girl a break.” James put his hand on Sirius' chest and pushed lightly but soon realised his mistake for now the stormy grey eyes of Sirius Black were looking at his best friend and there was an intimidating mercilessness in the depths of them. ”I'll give her a break when she stops eavesdropping on private conversations,” Sirius growled and tried to shake off James's hand but James quickly gripped his shoulder and tried to drag him backwards, away from Lily who just stood there, paralysed by what was happening. ”Padfoot.” James tried to regain Sirius's attention but the stormy eyes were looking at Lily and she, in turn, had no idea what the hell was going on with him. Black seemed down right angry. No one got that angry just because someone had walked in on a conversation of theirs, right? They were in the common room, for Merlin's sake, it was a public place. Lily stared at him and tried to figure out what to do. Black took a step closer to her, his eyes never leaving her face and his countenance never softening. ”P-Potter?” she stammered and took a hestitating step backwards but the distance between them was quickly decreasing and soon Black was standing right in front of her. She only had time to inhale the delicious smell of his skin and desperately wonder what was going to happen next before Potter's hand connected with Black's jaw and he was sent flying into the couch. Silence. Sirius was lying on the floor. James was standing a few feet away. Lily was looking at the scene before her with the sound of her pounding heart in her ears and legs trembling so violently she might fall. One second passed, two seconds passed, the silence was screaming at them all, three seconds passed. Sirius sat up, rubbing his jaw. He looked up at them both while lying there on the floor, and it was a weirdly disturbing sight because if there was one thing Sirius Black just wasn't, it was vulnerable. He may have been a Gryffindor at heart, but he was pureblood and had been raised with their standards. He was proud and strong, beautiful and dark but never vulnerable. He had wit, he was kind, justice mattered to him, and people looked up to him. He was a role model to many. He was a jerk, he was immature, he had a ridiculously well toned body, he cracked jokes and made people laugh, his voice was like its own orchestra of crescendos and diminuendos, Sirius Black was so many things, and did so many stupid and great things everyday, but he was not vulnerable. It did not suit him. ”You should go.” Sirius said, without looking at either of them, still sitting on the floor rubbing his jaw. Lily looked back and forth between the two boys in confusion but felt that maybe this wasn't her place and maybe she should let these two ungtangle this mess themselves. She clearly felt clueless as to what was going on and perhaps it remaining so was for the best. She nodded and headed for the stairs. She quickly climbed the stair to the dormitory, feeling the adrenaline from seeing James punch Sirius pumping through her veins. 8 jan, 2012 02:39
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2012-11-19 kl. 01:41
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I have no words left to explain how good this shit is.
Genious, truly. ♏︎ 9 jan, 2012 01:27 |
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Jag har inga ord kvar. Det går inte att förklara hur magiskt det här är!
9 jan, 2012 22:14 |
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Oh thank you so so so much. Your comments always inspire me to write more, you know. Thanks. ♥ Skrivet av Borttagen: Jag har inga ord kvar. Det går inte att förklara hur magiskt det här är! Åh tack så SJUKT mycket, vad glad jag blir att höra det! ![]() 13 jan, 2012 21:48 |
Du får inte svara på den här tråden.