Black Skies [ENG]
Forum > Fanfiction > Black Skies [ENG]
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Elev |
Oh my Dark Lord. Det är så.....Jag finner inga ord för det, det är bara så magiskt. Du skriver verkligen magiskt.
23 jun, 2011 10:41 |
Elev |
Skrivet av NEWBORN: Åhh jättejättebra!! Vill ha mer, man blir helt fast i din berättelse! Kan du länka mig till dina andra ffs på ♥ Skrivet av LoveIsThis: Mycket bra Skrivet av superman: Den är helt underbar! Det är så vackert men ändå verkligt och åååh ja, skriv mer snart. Helt sjukt bra! Du är så grym på att skriva!! och om du har skrivit på så tycker jag som NEWBORN att du borde länka dom. Skrivet av Katla: Oh my Dark Lord. Det är så.....Jag finner inga ord för det, det är bara så magiskt. Du skriver verkligen magiskt. Åh herregud vad glad jag blir av att höra det! Har varit på semester i månad nu och kom ÄNTLIGEN hem, men jag har lyckats skriva lite under semestern, så ett kapitel kommer nog upp snart. Och tack. Tack. Tack. Igen. Jag blir så himla glad. Som Katlasäger, det är magiskt. Ni är magiska. (Duh.) Haha. Men nej, ännu en gång så säger jag tack. Ni är verkligen bäst! Håll utkik för ett kapitel kommer inom kort! ♥ 20 jul, 2011 20:08 |
Elev |
20 jul, 2011 20:10 |
Önskar att jag hade din engelska också, haha.. Du skriver jättebra! 21 jul, 2011 22:57 |
Elev |
Skrivet av Borttagen: LOVE IT. Önskar att jag hade din engelska också, haha.. Du skriver jättebra! Åh tack så HIMLA mycket båda två! Ni är verkligen superbra stöd och peppar en alltid till att skriva mer. Ni är verkligen en inspiration, ett ljus i mörkret, när man sitter framför laptopen och inte får fram ett enda ord. You cured my bloody writer's block just yesterday! Och nu... Har vi ännu ett kapitel! Applåder! Och ni som bett om att få länken till mina berättelser på here you go! ♥ And on with the story. Det här kapitlet hade jag faktiskt tänkt dedikera till några här på mugglis! Först och främst, till den okände mugglisen som nominerade mig i tävlingen Månadens, för vips så fick jag ett ugglemail från Savi! And guess what? Jag har blivit månadens författare! Det snygga diplomet kan ni se på min profilsida! TACK, vad glad jag blev! Sedan vill jag också väldigt gärna dedikera det här kapitlet till alla ER, fina läsare, men jag tänkte också nämna några som har varit oerhört entusiastiska och peppande. Tack, superman, NEWBORN och Katla för ert enorma stöd, alla fina kommentarer och komplimanger både här och där på mugglis! Ni är BÄST! (Fast det är ju ni andra på mugglis också, heh.) __________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 __________________________________________________ She could hear her own shallow breath as she silently tried to calm herself. The night was dark, much darker than usual. It was piercing black, a darkness that frightened her but also soothed her, somehow. Looking up on a midnight black sky was something familiar to her, and she cherished it. Here, leaning against the usual old oak by the lake the complete darkness surrounded her; it was so dark, it sent shivers down her spine. In her left hand, she was clutching a letter from her sister. She held it tightly, clutched it until she nearly ripped the crinkled parch, so desperate was she, not to cry. How many times had she cried herself to sleep, wishing that her big sister would answer at least one of the many letters she sent? Had it not been just this very morning when her owl showed up at the breakfast table in the great hall, that she had thought that maybe this time, it would carry something else than the ordinary Daily Prophet; perhaps a letter from her sister? Every morning was a disappointment and every morning she silently paid the owl and read the paper while sipping at her black coffee. Her friends noticed this, especially Alice, her closest friend at Hogwarts. They would notice that every morning, when the mail arrived, Lily stopped speaking, stopped eating and spent the remainder of breakfast with her nose in the papers. Every day, when breakfast was over, she would become herself again; and they would never understand why. Lily lit her wand. She took a deep breath and sighed. With cold, shaking hands she opened the letter, which she later realized might be one of the shortest letters she would ever receive. I’m sorry. P, She read the eight letters again. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. She was speechless, amazed that barely three words could change her world in such a drastic way. It was in that moment that Lily finally understood that she had lost her sister. She didn’t, when they first argued about going to Hogwarts five years earlier, neither did she come to that realization when Petunia, at the age of 14 called her ‘a weird freak’ and neither did she see it when Petunia stopped answering her letters, the year before. This was the finale, the last battle between the Evans sisters. It was the end and Lily knew it. It was the first time Lily ever heard Petunia say, vocabulary or written, the words I’m sorry. She had given up. By one o clock in the morning, on a chilly night in late September Lily Evans lost her sister. She closed her wet eyes, lay down in the cold grass by the old oak and silently sobbed herself to sleep under a lonely and black sky. "Lily?" A voice said anxiously. Someone hit her gently on both cheeks. "Wake up." Suddenly she realized that she was still lying in the cold and wet grass. Her clothes were soaked through and glued tightly to her body, exposing all her curves. Her hair was also wet. She could as well have been bathing in the lake, she thought, but that was definitely not the case. Quickly, she sat up and opened her eyes where she was met by the sight of Remus Lupin. "Hey there." He said gently and smiled. She smiled back. She had always liked Remus, he was the only marauder that she had ever really had an interesting conversation with. She noticed that it was bright outside or it was at least not dark anymore. Dawn had arrived. She looked back at the friendly face of Remus Lupin. He had black marks under his eyes, and his hair seemed dirty. He looked like he badly needed a shower. She did not think of the fact that she had been woken by him out on the schoolgrounds, or the fact that she was freezing like hell, but instead she worried about the guy in front of her. "How are you, Remus? You look tired." She said, her voice filled with concern for her friend. He really looked tired, there were dark shadows underneath his eyes, and he was quite pale. "Oh, I’m alright, had a rough night, that’s all." He said, with a smile and a glint in his eyes that Lily couldn’t quite interpret. "Couldn’t sleep?" she said then, trying to sound understanding. "Yes, something like that." As she shivered, she suddenly realized something. "Oh God." She said, horrified. "What time is it? Did I fall asleep?—" "Schh." Remus said and helped her up from the cold ground. The air was cold, and she was freezing in her wet clothes. "It is just after five in the morning, I guess you must have fallen asleep out here." Remus said and started walking towards the castle. He had a small smile on his lips. Oddly enough, he didn’t seem worried at all. "Yes…" What was she going to say really, tell him the entire story about her long lost sister? "I had a lot on my mind." That would have to do. "I know the feeling." He said and gave her a quick smile. "Is everything alright?" Lily swallowed the lump in her throat that appeared every time she thought of Petunia. "Not really, no, but I don’t want to talk about it." Remus nodded understandingly and kept his gaze steadied ahead of him. They started walking towards the castle side by side, enjoying the silence that did not exist during Hogwarts day time, when every spot was flooded with students, and every corridor echoed from the laughters and voices. It was a rare silence, which, Lily thought, they should cherish while they could. Lily studied his face. His hair was brown, or some kind of bright brown, that almost seemed a little grey in the damp light of dawn. His face was actually quite handsome, though not many noticed this, as he usually looked like he never slept. He was not very tall, only a few inches taller than Lily. Remus Lupin was someone quite extraordinary. He acted much more mature than his fellow marauder friends, and he always seemed to be tired, always yawning, always these horrible black shadows beneath his soft, brown eyes, that seemed so wise, and lively, but at the same time so tired and old. She wondered what he might have gone through in his life, where his parents were, where he was when not at Hogwarts, yes, his life was something hidden, something he did not seem to like sharing with anyone else than his best friends. She averted here gaze to the bright pink sky of dawn and sighed. It was beautiful. "Look at the sky" she said. "Isn’t it beautiful?" Remus studied the sky for a while as they walked, his brown eyes taking in all the colours and textures of the dawn. He nodded. "Yes, it is a quite spectacular view." It was a simple answer, from a simple mind. They reached the huge gate entrance and to their luck, the big wooden doors weren’t locked. They slowly opened the door slightly and sneaked in. "I guess Filch forgot to lock it." Lily said but Remus smiled a smug smile, as if he knew some secret she didn’t know. The big entrance hall was quite dark, the high windows above the gate, letting in only a few rays of the rising sun. They began to cross the big floor, a little afraid of the big empty area, afraid to expose themselves in the middle, in case Filch would show up. Or even worse, Mrs Norris. Suddenly, a voice was heard from the other side of the entrance hall. "Moony! There you are!" James Potter ran towards them, worry in his dark blue eyes. It was the first time Lily ever saw a worried Potter. He was dressed in striped cotton pants and a big white T-shirt, probably his pajamas, Lily thought. Behind him, the remaining two marauders appeared, Black and Pettigrew, Peter dressed in a similar outfit while Black only wore a pare of boxers, his muscular chest bare. Lily quickly looked away. At the sight of Sirius Black, Lily was reminded once again of their weird encounter almost a month earlier. She never really understood what had happened, what she really had witnessed that day, when Sirius Black, hadn’t really been Sirius Black. On the other hand, she thought, had it been the real one? "Hello." Remus simply said to his friends, and approached them. "I was out walking, you know my thing for early morning walks, and I found Lily. She seemed to have fallen asleep out on the school grounds." He smiled at her, not a derisive smile, but a sincere one. A laugh was heard and Lily, utterly surprised, tried to locate from whom of the boys it might come from. It was not very surprisingly, Sirius Black. She should have known. "Something funny, Black?" she said angrily. He had no right to laugh at her expense! She could feel a fever coming on, and was anxious to get out of the wet clothes. "You fell asleep outside? Who does that?" he continued laughing, his white teeth glowing in the half dark of the hall. No one else was laughing. His friends and Lily stared at him as if he was mad, and in some ways, he was. His laughter sent the usual shivers down her spine, like his voice usually did to Lily nowadays. She continued staring at him, enchanted by his voice, his facial expression which was still very beautiful, his bare chest, everything. "Cut it, Padfoot!" James finally said bringing her out of her trance. "She is tired and needs to sleep." he continued, turning to smile at Lily, but it only annoyed Lily further. Lily gazed angrily back at him. "Excuse me but I do not need your help, thank you." She said to him, feeling herself tearing up. She needed to get away from there. "If it’s OK with everyone here, I’d like to go and get changed now. Goodnight, or yeah, good morning." She turned around and headed up the big stair, trying not to look back at the three boys who stared at her back in awe. Was it because of her tight fitting, on top of that almost see-through, outfit? Hadn’t they seen a woman’s body before? If the reputation was true, both Potter and Black had. She smirked. As she took the last step up the stairs, she suddenly felt strong arms around her waist. "Not so fast, Evans." Sirius Black turned her around so that she was facing him. He stood close to her, close enough for her to smell his delicious scent. It was just enough aftershave (she assumed it was) to leave her wanting more, but it wasn‘t too much, like so many boys their age usually used, for instance, a certain stalker-gryffindor-seeker. They were standing close enough for her to see every little detail of his handsome face, so close that she could actually feel his chest vibrating as he spoke. She winced at the sound of his voice. That voice. "It’s a miracle if you survived a night outside without getting a fever. You should go to the hospital wing." he said, his deep voice vibrating in his chest. She stared at him dumbly. Without waiting for an answer, he picked her up and placed her small frame in his arms. She immediately struggled to break his grip, but he who had the typical strong and muscular arms of a chaser didn’t even seem to notice it. She gritted her teeth. Her body was crushed against his bare, muscular chest, her wet clothes gluing to his skin and her right arm had automatically wrapped itself around his shoulder for balance. Everything was on fire, her body was on fire, she was on fire. There was fire everywhere, the flames dancing before her eyes, and she could feel her frozen body heating up. He was on fire. He seemed to be everywhere, surrounding her small frame. He was so close, too close, and she couldn't breathe. Couldn't breathe. Breathe. He made her breathless. How could he affect her so much? He wasn't even nice, for crying out loud! He was just a self-centered, cocky and rich bastard! She inhaled loudly. "Let me down. Now." She said in her most scary and intimidating voice, as if he would let her down if she sounded scary enough. She noticed, though, that both James and Remus seemed a little frightened, or perhaps surprised of her tone, where they were standing by the bottom of the stair. Black wasn’t frightened at all and started walking, holding her even tighter. "You can go to bed, guys. I can handle this." He shouted back at the boys as they rounded a corner. He walked in silence for a while, staring blankly ahead of him while she, lying in his arms, tried to come to terms with what was happening. Suddenly Lily felt crying, right there in his arms, in the warmth of his embrace (even though it wasn't really an embrace). She needed someone to hold her and listen to her now that she no longer had Severus. She needed to understand Black and understand what he was doing, why he was doing it. Why was he bloody holding her in his arms? "Why are you doing this?" Lily asked breathlessly. She couldn’t help but notice how strong he must really be, if he could carry her in his arms all the way to the Hospital Wing. "Doing what?" he peered down at her with a straight face, but his eyes were curious, as if he didn’t want her to know that he actually cared about what she said. His grey eyes were focused on her face now and she could feel herself, once again, heating up. Her brain didn't seem to want to cooperate as she tried to form an answer, so she kept it short. "Helping... me." At least it was something. "Oh…" he, himself, seemed to be at loss of words. He didn't answer but instead stopped walking and slowly let her down, as if he just realized what he was doing. Her body was burning where he had touched her. "Can you walk yourself now?" he said instead and looked down at her with a mocking smile. Lily could feel her temper rising, all the other feelings vanished. He was still standing very close to her, their chests almost touching, as he looked down at her face, his steel grey eyes locked with her emerald ones. "Yes, yes. Thank you so much for letting me down." she said, trying to break their eye contact, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She didn't succeed and they silently continued to stare at each other. She could hear him breathing. She could hear her own heart thumping in her ears. What was he doing really? It was like he was playing a game with her, sometimes acting kind of nice and then suddenly turning into the usual bastard. What did he want from her? That had been her question, but he had cleverly avoided it. He just kept smiling that i'm-hot-and-i-know-it, self-centered and cocky smile as he stepped away from her. They had been standing close. Again. She angrily turned around on the spot, without saying another word, and left him there. 22 jul, 2011 23:36
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2011-07-26 kl. 18:17
Elev |
22 jul, 2011 23:40 |
23 jul, 2011 13:41 |
Elev |
Jag gillar sättet du skriver på,det är så fint
"Don't worry,you're as sane as I am" 25 jul, 2011 01:05 |
Elev |
Skrivet av LoveIsThis: Jag gillar sättet du skriver på,det är så fint TACK så himla mycket alla tre! ♥ Sitter för tillfället och försöker skriva på kapitel 3... inspiration någon? Ännu en gång, tack. Det värmer verkligen. 12 aug, 2011 00:32 |
Elev |
ÅHDUÄRSÅBRA!! Jäkligt vackert språk och du är helt underbart bra på att gestalta karaktärerna och aa, du är bäst!
12 aug, 2011 11:56 |
Du får inte svara på den här tråden.