Black Skies [ENG]
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Skrivet av dani: Åh tack så hemskt mycket! Och det kan jag hålla med dig om, att många nog föredrar de 'riktiga' paren, alltså de som passar in i Rowlings HP. Men åh, jag är svag för Sirius/Lily, you know, the best friend and the girlfriend, classy... Haha. Men som sagt, jag förstår vad du menar. Jag tycker det ska vara Lily ♥ Sev 17 jun, 2011 12:14 |
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Skrivet av NEWBORN: Skrivet av dani: Åh tack så hemskt mycket! Och det kan jag hålla med dig om, att många nog föredrar de 'riktiga' paren, alltså de som passar in i Rowlings HP. Men åh, jag är svag för Sirius/Lily, you know, the best friend and the girlfriend, classy... Haha. Men som sagt, jag förstår vad du menar. Jag tycker det ska vara Lily ♥ Sev Jag med...Men denna berättelse fick mig att tänka att det inte vore så fel med Sirius...Bara det inte är James, så... 17 jun, 2011 12:19 |
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17 jun, 2011 12:26 |
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Skrivet av NEWBORN: Skrivet av dani: Åh tack så hemskt mycket! Och det kan jag hålla med dig om, att många nog föredrar de 'riktiga' paren, alltså de som passar in i Rowlings HP. Men åh, jag är svag för Sirius/Lily, you know, the best friend and the girlfriend, classy... Haha. Men som sagt, jag förstår vad du menar. Jag tycker det ska vara Lily ♥ Sev Åh, ja, Severus får vi ju inte glömma! Han kommer spela en stor roll i den här ficen också, tror jag nog... puss ♥ And i promise, SNART kommer ett nytt kapitel.. 20 jun, 2011 22:29 |
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20 jun, 2011 22:36 |
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Skrivet av NEWBORN: Åhh kan du inte göra en fic om Lilys och Sevs kärlek Åhhhh det skulle bli SÅÅÅÅÅ bra! Med din skrivförmåga, det skulle bli bara BÄST! 20 jun, 2011 22:46 |
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Skrivet av NEWBORN: Åhh kan du inte göra en fic om Lilys och Sevs kärlek Skrivet av Katla: Skrivet av NEWBORN: Åhh kan du inte göra en fic om Lilys och Sevs kärlek Åhhhh det skulle bli SÅÅÅÅÅ bra! Med din skrivförmåga, det skulle bli bara BÄST! Åh herregud vad glad jag blir av att höra det! Och det är klart, har funderat på att skriva en fic om dem ett tag nu, så det kanske är dags att sätta igång. Dock känns det som att jag har lite mycket projekt på gång nu, eller vad tycker ni? Har för tillfället flera andra fanfics på som jag skriver på just nu, så jag kanske inte kommer ha tid att uppdatera lika ofta då... Men vem vet, jag kanske får en liten spurt och börjar skriva i alla fall... Man vet aldrig med mig Ännu en gång TACK finisar, you make my day. ♥ ____________________________________________________________________ AAAAND, here's finally a chapter! Vill även tacka alla som kommenterat och läst tidigare, ni har verkligen gjort mig oerhört glad. Det är ni som inspirerar mig att skriva, ska ni veta. Ni är bäst! ♥ A/N: Om någon finner mitt ordval i meningen 'he can go and hang himself' som jag skriver längre ner i texten stötande, så ber jag om ursäkt. Jag själv, skulle försöka att inte använda just de orden, men antar att det är ett väldigt vanligt uttryck som många använder utan att tänka sig för, i detta sammanhang Lily Evans. Som sagt, ber jag om ursäkt, om du som läser på något sätt finner det stötande eller kränkande. CHAPTER 1, HEARTBROKEN VOICE She inhaled loudly, tasting the wind. It was so fresh and clean compared to the air in her hometown, where it was polluted by cars and airplanes. Here, it smelt like the woods, falling rain and dirty mud all at the same time. It was like stepping into a world no one had discovered yet, a world safe from everything evil. It was like seeing the sun for the first time or watching the one you love wake up in the early morning hours, it was pure. Lily had chosen this spot, just by the edge of the deep lake, to think. She had gone here to finally be able to breathe, hear her own thoughts and especially escape her usual stalker, James Potter. He seemed to be just about … everywhere. In the common room, the Great Hall, the library, anywhere she went, he mystically seemed to find her. Of course, she wasn’t that complacent, he might just happen to choose exactly the same places to study or drink or eat or talk or… yeah. It might just be a hugely awkward coincidence. But wasn’t it a little too blatant, when they had only been back a day, and Lily already felt stalked by him? As said, it was the first day back at school, unfortunately a Sunday, so she didn’t have much to do. Of course, she could study, but it felt a little too ambitious, even for her, to be studying before the classes had even started. She sighed when she thought about last time she had been sitting here, studying the ever changing dark of the lake, the ever changing shapes and colours of the endless black. Back then, she hadn’t been alone, but in fact, with her best friend, Severus Snape. She hadn’t spoken to Severus since last term, after the… incident. Could she call it an incident? The fact that he, her best friend, Severus Snape had called her a mudblood? She still couldn’t quite believe it, although she had spent the entire summer dwelling on it, she still couldn’t understand it. It was her sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and she had been waiting to return all summer, since at home, she had been all alone with her busy parents, who didn’t even spare her a glance in between their important meetings with people like the prime minister. Petunia hadn’t even been there. Lily bit her bottom lip. Petunia. Her sister, her only sister, didn’t seem to love her anymore. How could such a strong and beautiful, sisterly friendship turn into such an awful and foul mess? In a world where magic didn’t exist, maybe there, they might have been good friends now. But because of who Lily was, what Lily was, they couldn’t seem to be in the same room without screaming wicked words and names at each other, without having to empty their cups of hatred against each other. They couldn’t be friends. Couldn’t be sisters. Couldn’t. She pushed away the depressing thoughts about her sister when she heard footsteps behind her. The damp sound slowly grew stronger as the person approaching her came closer. She didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. "Severus. Leave me alone." she said coldly with a smooth, indifferent voice. She was too tired to show any emotion at all, so she just sat there, staring coldly at her beloved lake. Just like the lake seemed to be, she was furious. "Ahem." a clear and steady tenor voice answered cautiously. "I’m sorry." It wasn’t Severus, he didn’t sound nearly as enchanting. She shivered involuntary. In fact, she had no idea who that voice belonged to, but she could tell it was beautiful. She could tell it was a voice made to do great things, made to say great words. It was a voice made to heal those who heard it, a voice which had spoken many words and had been through a lot. It sounded innocent and weak, almost like a child’s voice. At the same time, it had a husky tone to it, almost like a smoker. Suddenly, when she thought of it, it didn’t sound innocent and childish anymore, but more manly. It sounded like a cry of help, from a man with fears and enemies, a man with a burden to bear. An adult. Once again, she shivered. She wanted to hear him speak again, her ears needed to, once again, rejoice at the sound of such a melodic voice. She decided to turn around and was utterly surprised by the face she saw. It was Black. Sirius Black. That bastard, Sirius Black who hung out with the disgusting James Potter, her stalker. She almost barfed. "What are you doing here?" she hissed. "Leave me alone." she stared at him angrily. Her face had probably turned the same colour as her hair now. When he didn‘t move, and didn't even seem to want to move, her emotional walls finally broke and fell down. Everything she felt, or had ever felt was exploited, every angry feeling, every disappointment. "What do you want from me, really?" She continued and stood up, so she wouldn’t feel so small down there, on the ground. Instead it had the opposite effect, as he was much taller than her in standing position. "Did Potter send you here? To ask me out? AGAIN? For the sixhundredandfiftieth time, NO. I don’t want him. He can go and hang himself, do you hear me? LEAVE ME ALONE!" All her anger and fears from the past year seemed to pour out of her as she spoke. Severus betrayal, Petunias absence and goodbye, every little thing she had felt frustrated about or spilled tears over. For the first time, Sirius Black seemed to be at loss of words. Whether it was because of Lily’s sudden turn, or if it was something else, maybe the own bitter glint in his eyes, she couldn’t tell. She was too furious to even notice. He avoided her gaze. "OK." said his lovely tenor shortly. Her heart swelled with disappointment at hearing the voice, that voice, say so little. He quickly turned around, with his head down, and headed towards the castle. His handsomeness was gone and so was his usual pride, it seemed. As she watched him slowly walk away, she finally noticed it. He seemed… sad. No, not sad, but heartbroken. When Lily, later that day, thought about the moment by the lake she grew more and more certain that she was the first person to ever see Sirius Black, heartbroken. 21 jun, 2011 00:37
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2011-07-26 kl. 18:17
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Åhh jättejättebra!!
Vill ha mer, man blir helt fast i din berättelse! Kan du länka mig till dina andra ffs på ♥ 21 jun, 2011 11:08 |
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Mycket bra
"Don't worry,you're as sane as I am" 21 jun, 2011 12:46 |
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Den är helt underbar! Det är så vackert men ändå verkligt och åååh ja, skriv mer snart. Helt sjukt bra! Du är så grym på att skriva!!
och om du har skrivit på så tycker jag som NEWBORN att du borde länka dom. 21 jun, 2011 17:24 |
Du får inte svara på den här tråden.