Replace Potter Quote with bacon.
Forum > Harry Potter > Replace Potter Quote with bacon.
Användare | Inlägg |
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“Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's bacon.''
21 okt, 2013 18:18 |
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21 okt, 2013 18:28 |
Alice Weasley
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22 okt, 2013 17:00 |
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22 okt, 2013 18:18 |
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22 okt, 2013 20:12 |
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You´re a bacon Harry.
17 feb, 2014 21:32 |
Of course it's happening in your head, but why on earth should it mean it's not bacon.
20 feb, 2014 13:45 |
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"Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore?"
"Whether it has or it hasn't is irrelevant; you gave me your bacon." 20 feb, 2014 15:32 |
Det här är visserligen THG, men den är så jävla bra att jag var tvungen att lägga upp den:
Spoiler: Tryck här för att visa! 21 feb, 2014 10:50 |
Elev |
"It does not do to dwell on bacon and forget to live"
"In bacon we enter a world that's entirely our own" "Bacon can be found in the most darkest of times, if we remember to turn on the light" "Of course this is happening inside your bacon Harry, but why should it mean that it is not real?" "Where your heart is, there will your bacon be also" "It's our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our bacon" Forumsignaturen kan inte visas just nu. Försök igen senare. 21 feb, 2014 13:54 |
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