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Hogwarts 1985/86 [ENG]

Forum > Fanfiction > Hogwarts 1985/86 [ENG]

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Skrivet av Savi:
Skrivet av Knizzlare:
Hittade två saker men har glömt bort vad det ena var xD Det kanske bara är jag men den här meningen "and then said:
“Someone looks happy this morning.” He said smiling to her."
Jag tycker det låter lite konstigt med and then said och sen igen efter vad han sagt he said

True story. Ändrade det nu, tack!

Varsågod ^^


8 aug, 2011 01:22




9 aug, 2011 17:14



I like the story nice and i like it soooo moreeee

10 aug, 2011 21:11



När kommer det mer? C:


13 aug, 2011 23:51



Hehe, inom kort

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F30.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_le9zh0sgjf1qc7ddno1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m3d74qpoI81r7ifqv.gif

13 aug, 2011 23:52



Okajj, najs!


13 aug, 2011 23:58



Chapter 3 – Something Wrong

Instead of the answer the two Bunkers had hoped for, heavier steps were coming down the stairs. In to the kitchen came Alice and Jenni’s brother Zach. Zach also had the ash blond hair as his sisters had. He also had the same hazel brown eyes, but unlike his sisters he was tall. Very tall, mush taller than his classmates. Zach was thirteen years old, and like his older sister he was too attending Hogwarts, he was going to start his third year there in just a month.
Knowing exactly what was going on with his younger sister, he walked straight into the kitchen, grabbed his breakfast, sat down beside Alice and murmured with a bit of toast in his mouth:
“She got her letter.”
“Congratulation young lady” said Mr. Bunker smiling at his youngest daughter.
After breakfast Alice helped clean the house a bit and then went up to her room. She took the list of all the books she would need and read it through. Remembering that she would have to go to Diagonalley to buy all her stuff she went down the stairs and into the living room where her father sat in the sofa watching something on the TV.
“Dad?” she said.
“Mhm”, totally into the program on the television that was the only thing that came from him.
“I was just wondering when we’re going to Diagonalley. I promised I would send an owl to the rest when I knew so I could meet them there.” With “the rest” she meant her friends at Hogwarts. Most of them had one or two parents who are witches or wizards, this sometimes bothered Alice, not being able to talk to her parents about what she needed or if there was something she needed help with. But that’s how it was. She couldn’t do anything about it. And most of the time she enjoyed being able to live in both worlds.
“Well… I have to talk with your mother about that. Next week perhaps?” her father answered, still staring into the TV.
“Great” she said and walked up the stairs. On her way to her room she peeked into her brother’s room.
“We’ll probably be going to Diagonalley next week, just so you know.” She said continuing to her room. But something wasn’t right in her room. There was something there that shouldn’t be there. Or at least Alice didn’t think it would.
“What do you want?” she asked, as nice as she possibly could although her anger was boiling inside of her.
“I’m nervous.” Jennis voice was about to break.
“Nervous for what?” still a bit annoyed that her younger sister had come into her room without permission, she sat down in the chair at the desk.
“What if I end up in Slytherin? What if I don’t get any friends? What if…”
“Nothing is wrong ending up in Slytherin.” Alice interrupted her sister. She knew that, very well. Alice’s first year she had spent more or less the whole trip to Hogwarts talking to a student, a boy in her age. They had talked about everything. He was almost as she was. His father was a wizard, or had been one; he died just before the boy had been born. His muggle mother didn’t want him to know anything about the wizarding world and had therefore been raised like any other muggle child. When they entered the Great Hall and stood in front of everybody else they had held each other’s hands. Alice was the first out of the two to go up. When the hat screamed “Ravenclaw” she had been so happy and just jumped off to the Ravenclaw table. Number four after Alice had been the boy. They smiled to each other one last time, right before the hat screamed “Slytherin”. His smiled had faded away.Fast.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F30.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_le9zh0sgjf1qc7ddno1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m3d74qpoI81r7ifqv.gif

14 aug, 2011 00:23



Några småskarer som jag hakade upp mig på, jag gör det ofta:
Mhm”, totally into the program on the television that was the only thing that came from him.
her father answered, still staring into the TV.

Trollkarlar har väl inte TV, eller?
Det där sista i kapitlet var väl en tillbakablick? Jag är inte så hemskt bra på engelska...

15 aug, 2011 14:51



Skrivet av Borttagen:
Några småskarer som jag hakade upp mig på, jag gör det ofta:
Mhm”, totally into the program on the television that was the only thing that came from him.
her father answered, still staring into the TV.

Trollkarlar har väl inte TV, eller?
Det där sista i kapitlet var väl en tillbakablick? Jag är inte så hemskt bra på engelska...

fast de e ju mugglarfödda
Och ja, tillbaka blick. men det blir tydligare i nästa

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F30.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_le9zh0sgjf1qc7ddno1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m3d74qpoI81r7ifqv.gif

15 aug, 2011 14:57



oj, jag missförstod lite...

15 aug, 2011 15:03

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