Sirius black. He's famous, I'm not [ENG]
Forum > Fanfiction > Sirius black. He's famous, I'm not [ENG]
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![]() Draco Malfoy! <3 22 nov, 2011 14:23 |
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Chapter Three: The Dream.
I opened my eyes, but I wasn't in the commonroom for some odd reason. It looked like I was in The Forbidden Forest, so I stared walking in one direction and hoped to get back. Then I heard something behind me and I turned around. There was a huge massive spider right behind me and I screamed. But then a light flew by me and hit the spider and it flew away. It was some sort of spell, I did recognize it but the name never reached my head before I turned around. It was the Sirius Black boy who had done it, but why? He held out his hand and said something, but I didn't hear him. Then I were about to take his hand put my then I felt someone crab my collar and pull me back, and I saw that it was my mother. Who stared at me with big mad eyes and screamed. "YOU ARE A DISAPPOINTMENT! YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN! YOU FILTHY BETRAYOR!" Then I all of a sudden woke up and looked into the fire, who just were slightly glowing. I felt that I was sweating, and I slowly stood up and looked around in the dark but I didn't see anyone. I felt sick, but I didn't feel like going to the hospital wing, not now.. not ever. So I slowly walked up to the dormitory and went to bed. I ♥ Sirius Black || Fᴇɴɪxᴏʀᴅᴇɴ || Pottermore - HeartBlade30663 22 nov, 2011 14:34
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2011-12- 3 kl. 22:47
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![]() It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. 3 dec, 2011 10:59 |
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3 dec, 2011 12:49 |
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Jättebra skrivet!
3 dec, 2011 12:55 |
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Omg tack så mycket att ni gillar den! ♥
------------------------ Chapther Four: Eavesdropping. The next morning I woke up exhausted, it felt like I hadn't slept anything last night. But I walked up, got dressed and hurried to the great hall to get myself some breakfast. When I finally got downt to the great hall there were only a few people there. There were 3 girls by the Ravenclaw table, 2 by the Slytherin table, 5 by the Hufflepuff table and 4 by the Gryffindor table. Guess which four it was? It was Sirius and James and their lil group. I almost sighed, I were used to being alone by the Gryffindor table. Since it was just after sun rise I was shocked that they were there, but I sat down by my usual seat, at the end of the table away from everyone. And as I took some toast and pumpkin juice I heard Remus talking to the others, in a low voice but loud enough for me to hear. "You... you're sick Padfoot! You can't just watch people when they are sleeping.. And talking in their sleep." Someone moaned annoyed. "Mooney, you know I didn't mean it. But I mean I am worried. I heard what she said 'Wish i never was born.. I betrayed her...' I think we should look it up." I head Sirius voice say, and I heard a sigh that I guessed was from Remus. "Oh come on, Mooney.. Padfoot didn't mean it, and it seems serious you know. You can't deny that." I heard James say, in an unusual serious voice. I frowned and stopped eating. Had he.. Had he heard me when I dreamt that? "Okay, Padfoot.. Prongs, you stay here. I'm going to talk to Professor Dumbledore." He started standing up but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Professor Dumbledore. "Miss Kathrine Nightwhisp, could you please come with me to my office?" He asked me, but I didn't think I had a choice. I just nodded a little bit shocked, and I felt that people were looking at me, so I looked towards were Remus and the others were. All of them were looking straight at me, and I quickly looked away and stood up. I ♥ Sirius Black || Fᴇɴɪxᴏʀᴅᴇɴ || Pottermore - HeartBlade30663 3 dec, 2011 22:48 |
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Kul med lite engelsk fanfiction
![]() Men bevakar gör jag ![]() 4 dec, 2011 15:23 |
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4 dec, 2011 15:56 |
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![]() försökte dela in det lite slarvigt men ska göra bättre nästa gång ![]() --------------------------- Chapter Five: The meeting with the headmaster. We had walked to Professor Dumbledore's office and now I sat in the chair on the other side of the desk. I looked down at my hands and then I heard Dumbledore's soft voice. "So, Kathrine.. I've heard some worrying things about.. Well not exactly you, but your relationships if I say so." I looked up at him, and I looked into his blue eyes. He were looking over the edge of his half moon shaped glasses straight at me, it felt like an x-ray or something for some odd reason. "Okay, sir." I answered politely, like it actually didn't interest me at all. Which it really was, I wondered how he had found out but I wasn't sure that I wanted to know. He looked at me now with a serious expression. "Why is there an invisibility spell over you, Kathrine?" I almost stared at him but I answered in a low voice. "Because.. My mom put on me. She doesn't like ..." I bit my lip a bit, not sure if I should tell the truth or lie. "Go on." Dumbledore said in a soft and casual voice. "Well.. She dislikes, or more hates, that I didn't get in Slytherin. So she put the spell on me so people wouldn't look at me.. Because she felt.. well.. embarrassed.. i guess." It felt very odd to talk about my mother, and our.. well, "secret" I guess. Dumbledore looked at me and a slight frown appeared between his eyebrows. "Do you want me to take it off?" I stared at him with almost a frightned expression and he added quickly "Without her noticing of course." I bit my lip and looked at him and then I frowned. "Why would you do that? I don't have any friends, at all at Hogwarts." Dumbledore gave me a warm smile and said "Well, that is because of the spell your mother put on you. But if I take it off of you, I promise you that some people will finally at least say hi." My eyes narrowed as I looked at him "Are you talking about Mr Lupin, Mr Pettigrew, Mr Potter and Mr Black?" Dumbledore chuckled and his eyes seemed to glitter. "Yes, I'm talking about Remus, Peter, James and Sirius." I felt like giving him a murder glance but instead I looked down at my hands. "They don't have any reason to talk to me." I heard Dumbledore shift in his chair and he said "Not to be sneaking around in your privacy, but.. Do you have a particular interest in any of one of them?" I instantly snapped my head up and stared into his eyes. "Excuse me, what?" I was shocked, how on earth did he know that much? Ugh, he must.. Someone must have heard what I was talking in my sleep. Shit. Dumbledore smiled and looked at me "Yes, I've heard some of your dreams. At least the once you've had in the commonroom in the comortable chair. I understand why you sometimes sleep there, they are very soft." I stared at him still and then my face fell again as I looked at him. "Even if I had an interest in anyone of them, I bet no one of them would be interest in me." I sighed a bit and Dumbledore smiled. "If you don't mind, could I please go to my lesson so I don't get late? Professor McGonagall is quite stern." Dumbledore nodded and made a gesture with his hand. "Tell Professor McGonagall that I'd like to have a meeting with her later, Miss Kathrine." I ♥ Sirius Black || Fᴇɴɪxᴏʀᴅᴇɴ || Pottermore - HeartBlade30663 4 dec, 2011 20:08 |
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4 dec, 2011 21:05 |
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