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Skrivet av uniquorn:
Okej! Här kommer bara en liten påminnelse till alla som inte skickat in. Hittills är det bara två personer som har skickat in. Det är okej om man inte hinner som sagt - det är bara att vara med nästa deltävling! ♥
Tryck här för att visa!Reverus Black
Dobby 2.0
ella potter
Athena 1.0
Asked Calmly

Kommer tyvärr inte heller hinna

24 apr, 2017 16:38



Jag har börjat skriva på min i alla fall! Är så svårt att veta hur jag ska göra, har så många idéer men kan inte få med allt i en berättelse.

Går det bra om jag skriver det i form av ett dagboksinlägg förresten? ^^


24 apr, 2017 20:37



Skrivet av Lazarus:
Jag har börjat skriva på min i alla fall! Är så svårt att veta hur jag ska göra, har så många idéer men kan inte få med allt i en berättelse.

Går det bra om jag skriver det i form av ett dagboksinlägg förresten? ^^

Självklart är det ok! Så kul att du har så många idéer du med ♥


24 apr, 2017 21:24

Dobby 2.0


Jag vill nog inte vara med mer för jag hinner inte riktigt med skolan och så...


25 apr, 2017 07:05



Skrivet av Dobby 2.0:
Jag vill nog inte vara med mer för jag hinner inte riktigt med skolan och så...

Ska jag ta bort dig helt? ♥


25 apr, 2017 07:10

Dobby 2.0


Skrivet av uniquorn:
Skrivet av Dobby 2.0:
Jag vill nog inte vara med mer för jag hinner inte riktigt med skolan och så...

Ska jag ta bort dig helt? ♥

ja tack har en massa prov framöver så hinner inte men skulle såklart vilja annars♥


25 apr, 2017 07:13



Skrivet av Dobby 2.0:
Skrivet av uniquorn:
Skrivet av Dobby 2.0:
Jag vill nog inte vara med mer för jag hinner inte riktigt med skolan och så...

Ska jag ta bort dig helt? ♥

ja tack har en massa prov framöver så hinner inte men skulle såklart vilja annars♥

Det är okej, jag tar bort dig ♥


25 apr, 2017 07:14

Dobby 2.0


Skrivet av uniquorn:
Skrivet av Dobby 2.0:
Skrivet av uniquorn:
Skrivet av Dobby 2.0:
Jag vill nog inte vara med mer för jag hinner inte riktigt med skolan och så...

Ska jag ta bort dig helt? ♥

ja tack har en massa prov framöver så hinner inte men skulle såklart vilja annars♥

Det är okej, jag tar bort dig ♥



25 apr, 2017 07:31



Uppgift 1: Texterna
Nu är tiden ute och alla bidrag som inte kommit in är tyvärr ogiltiga! Det är fyra stycken bidrag som kommit in och alla är fantastiska. Läs igenom alla och så skickar du din röst i uggla till mig! Röstningsreglerna hittar du i första inlägget.

Piggelinos bidrag:
Tryck här för att visa!Lost Boy ~ Ruth B

Spring,spring.... Var allt jag kunde tänka. Bort, men vart skulle jag ta vägen? Jag stannade i slutet av däck och såg ner i det djupa och skräckinjagande vattnet.
”Tror du verkligen att du kan fly från en pirats skepp lilla flicka? ”
Jag kastade en blick bakom mig och såg kaptenens krok blänka i månskenet.
Jag vände blicken mot vattnet igen
”Ja,det tror jag faktiskt ”viskade jag. Med svaga och skakiga ben klättrade jag över däcket och ställde mig ostadigt på kanten. Till ljudet av kaptenens vrål, hoppade jag ner i det iskalla vattnet. Min kropp sjönk snabbt, jag fäktade med armar och ben för att komma upp till ytan. Syret började ta slut och lungorna värkte, det iskalla vattnet förlamade min kropp och hjärna. Jag var nära att bara ge upp och låta allt försvinna, när något tog tag i min handled och drog mig upp ur vattnet och vidare upp i luften. Jag flämtade desperat efter luft och det tog mig ett par minuter att inse att jag flög, på riktigt. Flög i armarna på en skugga som susade fram genom natten.
” Tack, antar jag ... ..?” Jag tittade upp på skuggan. Ingen reaktion. Jag ryckte på axlarna och såg mig omkring i natten när skuggan utan förvarning släppte, mig och för andra gången föll jag, ner, ner och ner tills jag landade i armarna på ung pojke. Han log och satte ner mig i sanden under oss. Jag andades djupt och såg på pojken, som agerade så mycket äldre än han såg ut.
”Peter Pan” han log ”Det är vad de kallar mig, jag lovar att du aldrig kommer att vara ensam igen”
Orden han uttalade fyllde ett tomt rum i mitt hjärta och jag log lättat.
”Välkommen till Neverland,lost boy, eller kanske ska jag säga lost girl? ”han ställde sig upp och räckte mig en hand.
”Kom Lost Girl, låt mig visa dig denna plats, mitt ställe. Vårat ställe."
Jag log mot honom, HAN, som på bara några sekunder stormat in i mitt liv och tagit över det, med värme.
Han strödde en handfull grönt stoft över mig och såg mig i ögonen.
”Det är älvstoft, lita på mig, okej?”
Jag nickade ivrigt.
Han tog min hand och sa åt mig att tro, tro på honom och tror på mig.
”Jag kommer alltid tro på dig, Pan”
Han log, återigen och sedan flög vi i ett moln av grönt, högt över trädtopparna.
”Till ditt öde” viskade han och släppte min hand försiktigt.
”Till min öde” Jag sträckte ut armarna och lät vinden bära mig.
Jag log, äntligen fulländad, slutligen med en familj.

“ Lost girl, möt Tinker Bell, Tink, det här är den nyanlända, min lost girl” När vi minuten senare landade i den mjuka sanden gjorde Pan en gest mot en liten grön figur som flaxade i luften. Jag log blekt mot den lilla älvan.
Älvor, arga pirater, flygande manspojkar och räddande skuggor. Det var befriande att inte ens tänka tanken på det absurda, bara fly, bort från verkligheten.
“ Och lost girl, se upp för gamla kroken” Pan blinkade och log snett.

Och sen den dagen, för alltid en lost girl i Neverlands gröna skogar och sand strödda stränder. Neverland, hemmet för lost girls som jag, och lost girls som jag är fria, för alltid. Neverland, hem ljuva hem.

~Luna Lovegood~s bidrag:
Tryck här för att visa!Vårens första dag ~ Laleh (hittade ingen bra lyric-video men jag tror att man hör vad hon sjunger)

När väckarklockan ringde trodde Mirija att hon ställt in fel tid. Det var nämligen väldigt mörkt och grått för att vara i maj. När hon tittade ut genom fönstret förstod hon. Det spöregnade och de mörka molnen vägrade prongt släppa in något ljus från solen.
Hon sträckte på sig och drog benen över kanten till sängen.
Detta skulle bli en dålig dag, det kändes. Men just då visste hon inte att vädret inte på långa vägar var det värsta som skulle hända idag.
Det var söndag och Mirijas familj skulle till kyrkan. Det var som om hennes föräldrar behövde påminnas om att de var kristna. De påminde sig själva genom att gå i kyrkan.
Mirija stoppade i fötterna i tofflorna och stapplade ut i köket. Men det hon fick se i kökssoffan fick Mirija att glömma allt om dålig väder, morgontröttet och kyrkan.
Där i soffan satt mamma med rödgråtna ögon och bredvid satt pappa och försökte trösta. Fast Mirija såg att han också gråtit.
-Vad har hänt!, utropade Mirija förskräckt.
-Mirija, det är så här.., började mamma men brast ut i gråt och kunde inte avsluta meningen. Hon tittade istället bedjande på pappa. Han förstod vinken och började:
-Mirija, det har hänt en olycka med mormor.
Det kändes som om Mirijas blod stelnade i ådrorna
-hon har fått en… en hjärtinfarkt. Under natten.
-vi ska åka och hälsa på henne snart, sa mamma grötigt.
Mirija kände att hon absolut inte ville se Mormor ligga halvdöd i en sjukhussäng. Aldrig någonsin. Varför hon då en halvtimme senare satt på en hård stol bredvid just en sjukhussäng ska jag bespara er. Jag kan däremot berätta vad som hände sen, för det var ganska mystiskt.

-Jag går och köper lite fika i cafeterian, sa pappa och då sa mamma:
-jag hänger med, jag måste ändå gå och dricka lite vatten. När de båda lämnat den kliniskt rena och vita salen viskade Mirija tyst:
-kommer du att dö nu?
Mormor såg allvarligt på Mirija och gjorde en liten rörelse med handen. Mirija lutade sig framåt.
-Mirija det här är en sak som du måste förstå, viskade hon.
-alla dör, förr eller senare. Och när det till slut är min tur så ska du inte sörja mig alltför mycket. Tänk då istället på att jag till slut fått frid, jag med.
När mormor sa det började Mirija gråta, och tittadeut genom fönstret. Solen hade kommit fram och den började långsamt värma upp den blöta marken. När Mirija kollade på Mormor igen så rörde sig inte hennes bröstkorg. Mormor hade fått sin frid, som hon sagt.

LunaLovegood s bidrag:
Tryck här för att visa!Some die young ~ Laleh

Iris hade alltid funderat på sin barndom. Den var mystisk. Några ur stammen hade bara hittat henne. Många trodde att hon var från en annan stam, väldigt olycksbådande. Andra trodde att hennes mamma var Iris, regnbågens gudinna, namnet därav. Hennes bästa vän Fjällräv var några av dem som trodde det.

Nu hade det varit väldigt dålig skörd i 16 årstider. Man hade offrat till alla gudarna och åskfågeln, både människor och djur. Nu var det dags för det värsta offret, 2 flickor. Iris hade inte haft några drömmar om vilka det skulle bli, och hon var orolig för Fjällräv. Hon visste att hon inte kunde offras, hon var för viktig för stammen.
“Du har inte drömt något va?” sa Fjällräv en dag.
“Nej,” sa Iris
“Jag tror att Schamanen stänger av dina drömmar. Det är därför du inte alltid ser saker.”e
“Kanske det.”
“Mamma har sagt det.” Fjällräv ryckte på axlarna.
Då kom Fjällrävs pappa. Han var rödögd.
“Kan inte ni gå ut och plocka bär?”
“Visst,” sa Fjällräv “Kom Iris.”

Lite senare i skogen suckade Fjällräv och sa:
“Här finns ju inga bär!”
“Nej! En hare! “ Iris sprang fram till haren “Det kan vara en annan klans fälla! Men vi borde ta med den hem.”
Hon lyfte upp haren. Helt plötsligt sprattlade haren till. Hon tappade den och den sprang tillbaka in skogen.
“Aja, lycka till,” sedan vände hon sig mot Fjällräv “Vi går hem, här finns ju ändå inga bär.”
Dem gick hemmot.
“Hejdå.” sa Fjällräv när hon kom till hennes tält.
“Iris.” det var Schamenens röst. Iris och Schamenen gick in i deras tält.
“Iris, sätt dig.” Iris lydde. “Som du vet har det gått väldigt dåligt för vår skörd, och jag har hört en sak i mina drömmar,” Hon drog efter andan “Iris vill ha tillbaka sin dotter.”
“Men vem är Iris dot,” Hon hejdade sig och viskade sedan “jag?”.
“Jag är rädd, att du måste offras.”
Iris kunde inte få fram någonting, men tillslut fick hon fram:
“v-vem ska-a offras med mig?”

Nästa morgon hade Iris och Fjällräv sina vackraste kläder och deras hår pryddes med vackra pärlor. Dem gick mot Schamenens tält för att få drycken som renade själen och som dessutom fick en att somna in. Drycken var genomskinlig och låg på ett fat. Schamanen nickade en kort nick för att säga att dem skulle dricka.
Det var en konstig känsla. Tänk dig att du förlåter alla misstag du någonsin gjort och samtidigt blir väldigt trött. Fjällräv och Iris band fast sig vid pålen, och somnade.

Schamanen sträckte sig efter dolken som låg på bordet. Hennes hand darrade och hon höjde sin hand och…

Iris vaknade i tomma intet. Hon visste att hon var död

ella potters bidrag:
Tryck här för att visa!You're too young ~ Lucy Spraggan

“Chelsea! What is this?” Her mother is waving a letter from the principal in front of Chelsea’s face. “I thought we were done with this! This is the third time you are suspended, why can’t you behave for once?” Chelsea simply looks down on the floor between her feet, trying to cover her bright red face. Of course she regrets what happened, she always does, but she can’t help it. She had only been back to school for four days before she got into a fight this time. She is usually a “good girl” and knows how to behave, but when the others tease her it makes her so mad and when she gets angry, she’d flip. This time the whole school had seen her and the other girl fight in the food court. She should be happy she wasn’t expelled, everyone told her.
Her mother sits down at the table, her head in her hands. She lets out a huge sigh and turns to look at her daughter.
“You’re too pretty for the violence.” she said.

The following days Chelsea spends in her bed trying to figure out why she had hit that other girl. When she can’t find any answer she gets so frustrated she throws her lamp across the room and it breaks. When she comes back to school no one dares to talk to her. They talk behind her back and their whispers follow her wherever she walks. She mostly manages to keep out of trouble, when no one bothers her there is no one to fight. But the schoolwork becomes a struggle and it becomes harder and harder to keep up. She can’t concentrate when she knows everyone else behind her is staring at her and waiting for her to punch someone.
When she finishes 8th grade she is failing in half the subjects in school. She feels so hopeless and miserable, believing that her life would be ruined for her. But her parents, as supportive as always, gets her a place at another school, known for their capacity to help “troublesome” students.

It is the first day in the new school. Chelsea spent hours getting ready in the morning. She had to plan everything in detail. She was one hundred percent sure that her first appearance would tell everyone who she is and that their views of her would forever be based on the second they see her step through the door. Now as she sits in the backseat of her father's car she can barely keep herself together. A feeling of nervousness and anticipation mixed with pure fear fills her whole body and she is anxious to get it over with. When the car come to a stop outside the big, grey school building she does her best to calm her nerves. She puts on a calm, but not uninterested, face, opens the door and steps out to meet her new life.
She is immediately greeted by an older woman. They shake hands and the woman presents herself as Mrs. Dawson. She greets her father the same way and then tells them to follow her to the reception. As they cross the yard Chelsea sees how practically everyone at least glances her way. Some are straight out staring and not even trying to cover it. With a smile on her lips and her head high she walks in through the wide doors as if they were opened only for her.

Thirty minutes later she has her first class. She introduces herself with a speech she have rehearsed at least fifty times in the mirror at home and manages to make if sound perfectly spontaneous. She gets a seat in the back of the room next to a brown haired girl named Lucy. She is the daughter of the local police chief, but she still likes to break the rules every once in awhile. When she says that last thing she adds a little wink and Chelsea understands that her “once in awhile” might be quite often. Then Chelsea tells Lucy about her old school, about her friends, about all of her least favourite teachers. She leaves out the part with the fights though. That is a chapter of her life she just wants to pack away and forget.

A few months later Chelsea sits in the corridor next to Lucy and another girl named Anna. They have just finished a biology test and they are all quite happy with their accomplishments. Biology was one of the subjects Chelsea had failed in her old school but now she is sure she will pass the test with quite a margin. She has worked up almost all her grades these few months and she feels like her future actually might look at least a little brighter. She has also managed to stay out of trouble, get awesome new friends and keep her past problems a secret. Lucy is by far her best friend, ever. They have hardly left the other’s side since that first class when they first met. She looks over at her friend and they exchange a smile. Then the door to the classroom opens and a tall girl with long, blonde hair emerges. It’s Caroline and as if on a queue the other three girls in the corridor stand up. Their squad is now complete and it’s time to get lunch.

After swinging by the food court and deciding that the food was too gross to eat, as it often is, they get their jackets and head to the mall. They have a few favourite places they go to when they don’t eat in school. They have managed to make some friends in the kitchens and without much trouble they can get a whole lunch for the four of them for free. Today, pizza is on the menu. They sneak in through a rear door and give the chef quite a surprise when they enter.
Thirteen minutes and a scolding later all four of them are seated in the restaurant with three smoking hot vesuvios at the table before them.
“Cheers for a grade better than an F!” Caroline raises a slice of pizza and the others follow.
“What did you answer on question 5? I couldn’t remember in the blood comes to the right or left side of the heart first.” Lucy asks with a smile.
“ Right side first.” Caroline says, sounding confident.
“No, it’s left first! Then it goes through the lungs and back to the right side!” Chelsea sounds just as confident.
“No! It’s the right side!”
“Uuumh, no!” The two girls have a debate about this for a few minutes while the other two just laugh at them and eat their pizza. The chef sits down to join them after serving some other customers and confirms that Caroline is right. The girl gets so happy she stands up on her chair and does a victory dance, a very impressive one as she did it standing on a chair. Not even Chelsea can hold her laughter back at that.

On their way back to school they stumble into a group of guys in tenth grade. The girls have seen that gang in school and know that these guys have some really high status. You can’t really be cool if you’re not part of that gang. That’s why what comes next made all four of the girls just stand there and stare for a few seconds before any of them found the words they needed to answer.
“My brother has a new bike, we’re going to try it out. Wanna come?” It was Lucas that dropped the question, a short guy with the most handsome smile in school, at least if you ask Chelsea.
“R...right now?” Anna almost manages to hide her excitement.
“Yeah, before he comes home. If he’d find out… man, we’d be dead!”
“Damn it, I can’t. If I miss another chem-class my mother will kill me!” The disappointment is clear in Anna’s face. Caroline explains that she can’t come either, basically by the same reason.
“You then?” Lucas turns to Chelsea and Lucy. “Wanna go on a ride?” Lucy gives her best friend a look before gives the boys a smile as wide as the waist of Dudley Dursley.
“I’d love to!”
“And you?” Chelsea blushes as she meets Lucas’s gaze. The part with mothers killing daughters for missing chem-class applies on her as well as chemistry wasn’t going as good as biology. On the other hand it would be so cool to hang out with Lucas’s gang.
“Come on Chels! You wouldn’t remember anything that old hag would say on the lesson anyway!” This one of those moments when it was hard to believe that Lucy is the daughter of a policeman. Chelsea decides that she is right.
“Alright, I’m coming. See you tomorrow, Anna and Caroline.”
“See ya! Have fun in chem!” Lucy waves them goodbye but the other two only sticks out their tongue before they turn around and head back to school.
“Ok guys. Lead the way!” Lucy fires of another bedazzling smile, if possible even wider than the last one.

The moon is reflected in the calm pond as Chelsea and Lucy hurries past. It’s almost midnight and the temperature has dropped rapidly the last hours. Lucas let Lucy borrow his jacket before they left but Chelsea is freezing in her t-shirt. After they had tried the motorcycle, and gotten busted by both the cops (luckily not Lucy’s father) and Lucas’s brother, they had gone to the mall. But, to quote Lucas “nothing ever happens at the mall” so they didn’t stay for long. After that they mostly walked around looking for some action, which they hadn’t found. When the sun started to set they had decided that it was safe enough to go back to Lucas’s house where they could hang out in the basement. They had played pool and made fun of each other. Someone had found a few cigarettes they shared. The girls had gotten very much attention from the boys and totally forgotten the time. When they finally got a look on a watch it was hours after the time they were supposed to be home.

And here they are, running past the pond in the park on their way home when Lucy suddenly stops to look at the still water.
“Lucy! Come on, my mother will kill me!”
“A few minutes won’t make a difference. Can’t we just enjoy how beautiful the moon is?”
“Yes, it is pretty. Now let’s go! I’m freezing!”
“You should have borrowed a jacket, but maybe they didn’t like you that much.” She adds a wink after the comment, but it still leaves an uncomfortable tension between them.
“Let’s just go, I’m not in the mood” Chelsea is getting really tired and is cold to the bone.
“Ok, calm down drama queen. It’s not my fault you didn’t get a jacket.”
“I said I’m not in the mood!” Chelsea turns around and starts walking. Lucy is about to say something but changes her mind. Instead she runs a few steps to catch up and puts her hand on Chelsea’s shoulder. Chelsea jumps as if she had gotten an electric shock and brushes the hand away in an almost violent motion.
“Just don’t. Got it? And don’t look at me like that.” The look Lucy gives Chelsea reminds her of the looks she used to get after the fights in her old school.
“Like what?” Lucy’s feelings are hurt and you can hear it in her voice.
“Like… that! Like I am… as if I’m a fucking criminal.” The old feeling of anger is growing inside her, she doesn't want that look, not from Lucy.
“I’m not looking at you like…”
“Yes, you are!” The anger is growing inside her. A part of her wants to stop it, push it down. Another part wants to embrace it. It would be so easy to just let go.
“What is wrong with you? Stop being such a bitch!” Lucy is still giving her that look and the second part of Chelsea grows stronger and stronger.
“Just shut up! Shut the fuck up!” She’s using every inch of her willpower to keep the anger at bay.
“No, I will not shut up! I have done nothing wrong! You’re just jealous that Lucas likes me the most!” Then Chelsea lets go. She lets go of all the emotions she’s been pushing down. The fear of her past, the constant disappointment when things don’t go her way, all the pressure she puts on herself and the feeling of not being wanted, being the second best, an alternative option. It fills every path of her body, she is about to explode. With a scream of anger and frustration she launches at Lucy with all the force she can muster. Before the other girl has time to react she hits her right in the solar plexus. Lucy manages to stay on her feet but the sudden loss of air made her dizzy. She is standing unstable on her feet when Chelsea launches a second time. The two girls get engaged in an intense fight. They hit each other, pull hair, kick if possible. A group of people that had been drinking nearby comes over and cheers them on. Chelsea places a kick on Lucy’s knee and the girl falls to the ground. Within a moment Chelsea’s on top of her and struggles to keep her down. The anger has completely taken control over her, it feels like someone else is steering her body. Around the two a bigger crowd has gathered and some are starting to look very uncomfortable, ready to break the them apart of it turned out to be necessary. Someone is standing a few feet away from the rest, talking in a phone. It could be the police they’re talking to.

Then the moment when it would have been necessary to pull them apart comes. Unfortunately it happens too fast. Chelsea doesn’t realize what she was about to do and nor does the audience. As Lucy tries to hit Chelsea from the side she leaves her head unprotected och Chelsea gets a firm grip of her hair and slams her head against the ground with all her power. There is a subdued thud and Lucy’s body goes still. Someone grabs Chelsea from behind and drags her away from Lucy. In the distance the wailing of sirens can be heard. Apparently it was the cops someone was calling. At first Chelsea struggles against the person holding her but when she sees the body of her best friend on the ground and realize what she’s done her whole body goes numb. She sinks to the ground and tears fills her eyes. The regret and the guilt almost eats her up and she’s about to throw up. “Why am I like this? Why do I have to break the one thing I really care about?” She stares at Lucy with empty eyes and it’s like the whole world stops around her. All sounds are muted, every movement around her feels distant. She is vaguely aware that the police arrives, and then an ambulance a few minutes later. The police tries to talk to her but she can’t hear what they are asking. Instead they take her to the car where she gets in without being asked. In there it is easier to forget what just happened, easier to forget the sound of Lucy’s head hitting the pavement.
After ten or fifteen minutes the ambulance leaves the park. The sound of the sirens are so loud it feel like Chelsea’s eardrums will explode. Then the cops get in the car and prepare to leave as well.
“Are you hurt?” The one to the right turns around in the seat and looks at her. She can’t make a sound so she simply shakes her head.
“Ok, we will take you to the station. Do you want to call someone?” She shakes her head again. She imagines the disappointed face of her mother, how she would look when she found out. As the car starts to move she puts her head in her hands and sign as if the world was ending. To Chelsea it feels like it is.

Her mother was very disappointed when she found out. She had cried when she found out that her daughter was at the police station. She had cried when she came and talked to her. When Chelsea told her what happened, when she visited Lucy at the hospital, when she talked to Lucy’s parents she had cried. When they were in court and when they had to pay a huge compensation. Later on she wanted to cry every time she heard the word assault.

When Chelsea comes back to school it is as if she have travelled back in time a year. She is treated exactly the same way as she had been treated then, if not worse. Weird looks, whispers behind her back, conversations that suddenly stops when she walks into a room. No one dares to talk to her but they love to talk about her. She starts to fail her classes again, but this time she doesn’t care. What’s the point? She’ll probably screw them up again anyway. She feels so lonely everyday in school, she never talks to anyone. Even her teachers seem to be afraid of her. So she starts to skip classes to seek out people that dares to be in the same room as her. Unfortunately these people would be called “bad company”. They are those people that your parents warn you about. They tell you to stay away from them, don’t become one of them. So, now it is in company of these people Chelsea spends her days instead of being is school. Her mother tries everything to help her daugher, to lead her back to the right path. She place her in another school, but the rumors spreads like a wildfire. She contacts a support group for “juvenile delinquents” but Chelsea refuses to attend. She is even prepared to move to another state for her daughter’s sake but Chelsea manages to talk her out of it.

A little more than year has passed since “The Accident” when Chelsea meets Ben for the first time. It is a sunday night just after her sixteenth birthday at a club where no one knows who she is. She is flirting with the bartender when she sees him walk in through the door, followed by four other guys. He has tattoos all over his arms and an impressive scar across his chin. Chelsea immediately stops talking to the bartender and turns all her attention towards the new guy. The girl next to her notices her interest and gives her a light tap on the shoulder.
“That’s Ben, if you were wondering. It’s his car outside.” Chelsea looks at the girl with curious eyes. This guy sounded really cool. She decides to find out as much as possible about him before she tries to talk to him.

As it turns out, that girl knows pretty much everything about pretty much everyone. Within five minutes Chelsea feels like she’s know this Ben guy for years. He turned nineteen a few months ago, he’s a dealer, his father has more money than half the population of Africa, he’s a fighter, once he killed a guy but his father payed the judge to let it go. The more she found out the more Chelsea wanted him. She made sure to remember the girl’s name as she moves towards Ben across the dancefloor. If she ever have to find something out this would be her girl.

The club is crowded and it is almost impossible to move from one side to the other, and it is even harder to find someone you are looking for. Chelsea scans the crowd once more. She thought she saw Ben at the dancefloor earlier, but now he seems to have vanished in thin air. She is about to give up and go back to the bar when she hears a voice behind her.
“Looking for someone?” There he stands, as handsome as a Disney Prince with his scar and his pockets probably full of his dad’s money.
“In fact I was.”

For once Chelsea is in school this morning when her phone lets out the happy tune of a text. She ignores the disapproving look the professor gives her and pulls her phone out or her pocket. The text is just a simple sentence but it makes her so happy and excited.
“hey you OK?” It is from Ben and she is very much OK. Right now it feels like she’s never been more OK.
“yeah but bored as hell” She hits send but regrets it immediately. There was probably something wrong with the text, or maybe she replied too soon.
“maybe i can help you ” She has to do her best to stop herself from jumping up on the table and start to dance. She replies and they decide to meet up on friday night.

The whole week that follows is a mix of anticipation and nerve wracking waiting. She plans everything in detail, her outfit, jewelry and how she’d do her hair. She wants everything to be perfect. When friday morning finally arrives she jumps out of bed with more enthusiasm than ever before. She stays in school the whole day for the first time in months and when she gets home she immediately locks herself in the bathroom to get ready. At seven forty five she ads the last touch and is now ready to go. He’s coming a eight and she sits down by her window to wait for him.

When she sees the expensive car stop outside the house and takes a deep breath. She looks at herself in the mirror one last time to make sure that she still looks okay. Then she picks up her bag and leaves the house. She gets into the car and they drive off.
They head to a car park where Ben stops the engine. Then they start talking and Chelsea feels more confident than she’s felt for years. She’s not shy at all and her body is filled with a kind of warm happiness or contentment that makes everything feel fantastic. She dares to talk about things she hasn’t talked about for years and before she knows it she’s told Ben all about her old schools, the fights, the times she was suspended. She even tells him about “The Accident”. He is so understanding, he doesn’t give her that look when she tells him how she almost killed her best friend. Suddenly another car enters the car park. Behind the wheel is another girl, about the same age as Ben. Then she turns to face them and when she sees Ben lets out a scream that pierces the peaceful silence. Ben shows a face of recognition and puts the car in gear and get ready to leave. But the girl is not planning on letting them drive off so easily. She throws her door open and stands in front of their car.
“That’s my fucking boyfriend, get out you little bitch!”
In an instant Chelsea has opened the door and is facing the girl. This bitch has just ruined their night and she will pay for it. She will get rid of her, even if it means that she'll have to fight her. When the girl shows no sign of moving aside Chelsea makes a quick decision. The girl seems to be prepared for her and suddenly everything becomes a blur of movement. They are hitting, kicking, pulling. It is impossible to know who’s winning. Then there is a gush of blood and the other girl steps back, crying. Chelsea didn’t understand what happened but she must have won. She turns back to Ben, expecting a proud face but her Disney Prince is staring at her completely stunned. She’s about to ask what’s wrong when her stomach explodes with pain. Her whole t-shirt is covered in blood and there’s a knife laying on the floor. She tries to take a step towards Ben but the world starts to spin around her and she falls to the ground. When she hits the pavement she realize what’s about to happen and panic fills her body. It’s a kind of panic she’s never felt before, it is almost as painful as the wound in her stomach.

She hears the screech of tyres and sees the backlights of Ben’s beamer disappear in the distance. As she’s laying there on the hard, cold ground she thinks about her mother. Her mother had been right all along, she should have stayed in school, stayed away from those people. She thinks about Lucy and all the other’s she’s hurt. She turns her head towards the sky and she wonders why. Why did she end up here, on the ground in a car park all alone. But she knows why. Everything is her own fault, her own doing. Every heartbeat hurts now, she’s about to die.
“I’m sorry” she whispers, but there is no one to hear her. The silent whisper is all that’s left of Chelsea Price as she turns into an angel and her soul slips away.

Såååå! Heja på er! Alla som är med i tävlingen ska helst rösta så jag taggar er ber om ursäkt om jag glömt ta bort någon som hoppat ur!
Tryck här för att visa!Reverus Black
ella potter
Athena 1.0
~Luna Lovegood~
Asked Calmly


2 maj, 2017 17:49



uniquorn - Uni, förlåt om jag verkar tjatig men snälla ta bort mig ifrån deltagar lista! Jag kommer inte att ha möjlighet att vara med i någon tävlingen och därför är det ingen idé att tagga...


2 maj, 2017 18:36

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