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Mandy Diamond


Min syster har varit så snäll och översatt de första kapitlena från min Fanfiction Nicole Smith till engelska så nu hamnar dom även här på Mugglis.

Titel: Nicole Smith
Språk: Engelska
Typ av text: Fanfiction
Antal kapitel hittills: 4
Färdigskriven: Nej
Rating: Inte speciellt mkt våld, inte mer än det som finns i HP böckerna, inget naket och inga äckliga beskrivningar
Beskrivning: Nicole har nyss flyttat från Kanada till England och hoppar därför in i årskurs 6 på Hogwarts. Där blir hon snabbt vän med Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy och några av de andra Slytherineleverna. Hon är barnbarn med den berömda quidditchspelaren Donald Smith som spelade i Kanadas landslag och blir därför erbjuden en plats i Snigelklubben. Hon har inget emot mugglarfödda men upptäcker snabbt att de flesta i hennes elevhem har det och hon börjar fundera på om hon verkligen har blivit sorterad rätt. Under året så får hon uppleva romantik, spänning, komiska situationer och mycket drama.

Chapter 1

Nicole stared at the huge, red train that would take her to Hogwarts. Several others did the same thing, but they were all younger than here. Probably first-year students.
“Nicole, be careful”, said a worried voice behind her. “If you ever want to come home you just need to send us an owl.”
She turned around.
“Mum, I’ve been at a boarding school before”, she answered her mother, who had tears in her green eyes. “I’ll be fine.”
She gave her a quick hug before she moved towards the door on one of the wagons. Her mum wiped away the tears but remained on the platform and watched her only daughter step onto the train.
She walked by the compartments to try and find an empty seat. Typical; all of them are taken, she thought and walked over to the next wagon. She opened the door and realized that this wagon had no compartments, but an open space with seats. People turned around to see who’d walked in. They all looked surprised and thoughtful. Not to wonder considering that she was new, but she felt kind of uncomfortable. Her gaze ran along the wagon and found an empty seat next to a dark-haired girl. She started to walk towards it and, of course, the girl noticed.
“Is this seat empty?” Nicole asked when she reached it.
“No, my boyfriend sits here”, the girl answered in a snotty tone and glanced at the boy opposite her. He was dark-skinned, handsome and Nicole had to admit that his face looked really nice.
“Pansy, you do not have a boy…” he begun, but received a murdering glance from the girl, who was obviously named Pansy, and quickly shut up.
“Is the seat next to you free, then?” Nicole asked the dark boy. He nodded and gave Pansy a dark look. Ncole threw her bag onto the rack above them before sitting down.
“So, who are you?” Pansy asked, still snotty. ”I haven’t seen you here before.”
“I’ve just moved here, from Canada”, Nicole answered in a short tone.
“Oh, I didn’t know that there were wizarding schools there”, Pansy said, before her face changed to a smiling one as a boy with blonde hair came into the wagon.
“Draco, we’re over here!” she called. He noticed her and walked over to them with determined steps. Nicole looked at him. According to her he was extremely good-looking; pale, blonde hair, pale skin and grey eyes. He threw up his briefcase onto the rack and sat down. His gaze then fell upon Nicole.
”And who are you?” he asked sourly.
“This is… I’m sorry, what was your name again?” Pansy asked and turned towards Nicole.
“I didn’t say”, Nicole answered with a brief smile. “I’m Nicole. Nicole Smith.”
“She’s just moved here from Canada”, the dark boy filled in. Now the blonde guy gave her a thin smile.
“Where in Canada are you from?” he asked.
“Toronto, but my school was outside of Ottawa”, Nicole answered.
“Draco, your tie is crooked”, Pansy said to the blonde guy, who looked quizzically at her. “Hold on, I’ve got it.”
She leaned over him and grabbed onto the tie, pulling it right again. It was like she wanted to show everyone that he was hers, but he looked almost frightened. She leaned back onto her seat and gave Nicole a look that said I know you’re jealous of me. Nicole raised her eyebrows at her.
”So, what house do you think you’ll end up in?” the dark guy asked. She shrugged.
“No idea. But I’m not much for studying, so I doubt it will be Ravenclaw, if I’ve understood the houses correctly.”
She laughed silently.
“You’re a pureblood?” Pansy asked.
”What, do you think I look like a muggle?” Nicole answered in an offended tone. Pansy shrugged.
“No, I just wondered.”
They talked about everything between heaven and earth, but mostly about Nicole, during the rest of the trip, but when they were almost at Hogwarts the wagon suddenly turned pitch-black. It was a big, black cloud of smoke that had appeared out of nowhere and several people screamed. Draco rose from his seat and, actually, looked scared.
“What happened?” Draco asked in a worried tone. ”Blaise?”
“Don’t know”, Blaise, the dark guy, answered, remaining calm.
Nicole, who hated darkness, sat still on her seat but had grown tense, her hands gripping the seat. Blaise put a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s alright”, he whispered. The smoke soon thinned out and everything was visible once again. Blaise removed the hand from her shoulder. Then a bag fell down from the rack and landed in front of Draco; he stared at it, his mouth slightly open in surprise.
“Calm down, guys”, Pansy said. “It’s probably just some first-year student who’s bought something at Fred and George’s shop in Diagon Alley. Come on, Draco. We’ll be at Hogwarts soon.”
She patted the seat next to her. Draco grabbed the bag and put it back up on the rack, before sitting down next to her. She ran her hands through his hair, but his expression only grew sour again.
“Hogwarts”, he spat out. “What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I might throw myself off the Astronomy-tower if I have to be there for another two years.”
Pansy, who’d been playing with one pale strand of his hair, stopped.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“I’m just saying that I doubt you’ll be seeing me waste some of my time in Transfiguration next year”, Draco answered, still sounding sour. Pansy looked confused and glanced at Blaise, who gave a silent laugh.
“Amused, Blaise?” Draco said and glared at him. ”We’ll see who has the final word in this.”
Blaise shook his head at him and smiled, before turning his face and stared out the window into the oncoming darkness. Then the small bag, which Draco had put up before, moved above them. Both Nicole and Draco glanced up at it, but no one moved.
The train pulled up at the station and the students in the wagon started to move out onto the platform. Pansy, Blaise and Nicole got ready to move out; Draco reached up and took down his briefcase, then sat back down.
“You go ahead”, he said. “I just want to check something.”
Nicole followed Blaise towards the exit with Pansy behind her. She hurried forward so that she could walk next to the dark boy, whom she actually thought of as nice, in opposite to Pansy. Draco she wasn’t sure of yet; one moment he was sour, the next he was happy. He seemed torn.
“I apologize for Draco’s behavior”, Blaise said as they stepped off the platform and followed a forest-road. “He’s not usually like that.”
“No problem”, Nicole answered and pushed back a strand of her dark-brown hair, which had fallen down into her face.
“You got scared when it turned dark?” he asked. She turned towards him.
“Scared? Me? Wouldn’t think so.”
Her voice probably betrayed her; she didn’t sound too confident. He looked her deep in the eyes and raised his eyebrows, clearly showing that he did not believe her.
“Yeah, alright, I got a bit scared”, she said silently. “I just don’t like darkness, that’s all.”
He grinned.
“I know, it’s stupid”, she continued.
“Maybe, but honestly it’s also kind of cute”, Blaise answered. Nicole blushed.
They stopped and saw a wagon, which nothing was pulling, roll away with several students in it. Behind it came an empty one, which stopped so that they could step on. Blaise stepped on first and Nicole swiftly followed, claiming the seat next to him. She then heard someone laughing a few meters away and turned around, noticing three guys who came walking along the track. The one to the left was quite tall, had short brown hair and stubble. He carried a black briefcase in his left hand. The guy in the middle was somewhat shorter, with light-brown hair and with a shoulder-bag slung over one of his shoulders. The third guy had blonde hair and was of about the same height as the first one, and also he had a shoulder-bag over one of his shoulders.
“Look, it’s Blaise!” the blonde one said. The other two stopped laughing and looked up.
“Hey, Blaise!” they called simultaneously and climbed up into the wagon. The three of them sat down opposite them and their gazes immediately fell on Nicole.
“Blaise, now you’d better introduce us to the lady next to you”, the brown-haired boy said.
“This is Nicole Smith”, Blaise answered. “Nicole, this is Daniel Miller, Zachary Tyler and Tom Perez.”
“Hi”, Nicole said with a slight smile.
“Where have you hid her before, Blaise?” Tom, the blonde guy, asked. “I’ve never seen her before.”
“I’ve just moved here from Canada”, Nicole answered.
“Wow, from Canada”, Daniel, the brown-haired one, said. The wagon then started to move and they headed further away, closer to the castle itself.
“So, you two, are you… well, you know?” Zach, the boy with the light-brown hair, asked Blaise.
“What?” Blaise said, surprised. ”No!”
”Oh, well, I thought you might”, Zach said. ”Well, then I might have a chance after all, or what do you say?”
He winked at Nicole, who wasn’t sure how to answer such a question.
She glanced at Blaise.
“Guys, leave her alone”, he said and she gave him a thankful smile.
“Alright, I’m just saying; the door’s open”, Zach continued and winked again. Daniel pushed him in the side with his elbow to shut him up.
“You know where you’re going?” Blaise asked her once they entered the castle.
“I was supposed to see Professor McGo… McGo…”
She tried to remember the name of the teacher that had been written in her letter.
“McGonagall?” he suggested.
“Yes, that’s what I was about to say”, she said and rolled her eyes at him. He smiled.
“Well, then you should head over there; she takes care of all the first-year students before the sorting and they gather at that place”, he said and pointed in one direction. “She should be here any minute now to wait for them.”
“Right, thank you”, she said and smiled back.
“Good luck, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll end up in Slytherin!” he said, then headed after a couple of other students. Nicole looked after him for a few more moments, before she headed in the direction he had pointed her in to wait for McGonagall.

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14 sep, 2011 15:54

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