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Take a breath [ENG]

Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > Take a breath [ENG]

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Ja, det här är mitt första försök till en engelsk novell, jag tar gärna kritik och rättningar, hoppas att ni tycker att den verkar spännande.

Title: Take a breath
Writer: Lords
Rating: G
Language: English
Finished: No
Plot: 16-year old Vivienne Ward was a normal student in a small town in Indiana. When her parents won more money than they possibly could spend over a whole lifetime, they decided to move to Beverly Hills. At first Vivienne didn't care, but she wasn't slow to change her mind.

Prologue -

I can't understand how stupid I've been. Thinking that everything would just keep on going as it always did. But of course it didn't. I mean, why would it?
I had a small party for my closest friends the day before we moved, a sleep-over. We ate marshmallows and played truth and dare. Did normal stuff. But those things would end as soon as I sat down at the airport. The things I called normal changed, became more dangerous, more thrilling, more like Beverly Hills-stuff.

"Vivi?" I heard my mother's soft voice from downstairs. I opened my eyes slowly, afraid of facing real life, facing the future. My room was filled with cardboard-boxes, even though I wasn't planning on taking them with me. Instead of eating breakfast, I dragged myself into the small, cosy bathroom which was connected to my small, cosy bedroom. The shower was warm and loud, it shut out the reality for a quarter. But all good has to end, and mine ended when my mum stormed in and angrily started to shout at me. She placed some clothes outside the door and walked out with a stressed expression in her face. What I didn't understand was how she couldn't care less about leaving our old lives just like that. Not because we had a lot of relations here in Indiana, but I actually grew up here. All my childhood memories comes from that backyard, the victorian-styled house was the only place I had ever called home, and the small amount of friends I had lived in the neighborhood. But still, it didn't matter that much to me either. At least not all the time. As long as I could get my thoughts in other directions, the move wasn't a big problem. I got dressed, put on a slim pair of jeans and a white blouse. I felt strangely comfortable today, like nothing could hurt me, like I was reborn. Perhaps the move was a good thing, I thought. Oh, I couldn't have been more wrong.

6 jun, 2013 22:36



Bra! Bevakar och väntar på nästa kapitel!

7 jun, 2013 22:32



Chapter 1 - Flyin'

This was the first time I ever sat in an airplane, and I really felt how little I fitted in. The customized seats, the almost over-joyful crew and the expensive drinks. This wasn't my world, and it was defiantly not my family's world. I saw my dad crouching to see what was hidden beneath his seat, and my sister who looked like a misfit child with her colorful, non-trendy clothes.
In that moment, I had no idea what was going to happen when we arrived, but I could easily imagine what my life would look like. Always the outsider wanting so badly to join the inside. But still, it seemed to make my parents happy, and they could use some light in their otherwise so dole lives. So I remained silent and drank my coke as slowly as possible.

A few cokes later, I just sat and watched my reflection in the mirror. Shoulder long, naturally blonde hair, tanned skin and sea green, big eyes. I looked healthy, like one of them girls you could find in sports-magazines. Although, I didn't like sport. I was more into photography and art. I liked to think of myself as an intellectual, modern young woman who knew her film-history well. I guess that was what people thought when they saw me, I had worked on the image for so long it had become a part of me, but even if I watched all those classics, I never felt connected to them, I never liked them.
"Um… Excuse me miss…" A young flight-attendent stood next to me with troubled face. "I'm terribly sorry to disturb you miss, but we are about to land, and i would appreciate if you belted up." He smiled nervously and it took me a while to realize that he was waiting for me to make my move. When I had done what he asked, he walked back with trembling steps and left me with my awkwardness. Cause that was defiantly not the first time we had an incident, no. I had surprised him on the plane's toilet, spilled coke on him and even called him mum. I wanted to ask for forgiveness, but had no time. Mum swept out of the plane as soon as it stood on the ground and the rest of my family wasn't late to follow. A fresh wind blowed at me when I came out, tall palm trees waved and the sea was corall blue. Wow, I love this place!, I thought and a big smile cracked up on my face.

8 jun, 2013 08:20

Bevaka tråden

Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > Take a breath [ENG]

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