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I'll Always love you Severus. (Snape+Trelawney)

Forum > Fanfiction > I'll Always love you Severus. (Snape+Trelawney)

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Titel: I'll always love you
Språk: English
Typ av text: Fanfiction
Färdigskriven: Nej
Handling: Severus Snape finds out that one of the professors at Hogwarts is deeply in love with him. He doesn't know what to do. Especially he finds out who loves him... Professor Trelawney

Jag vet inte om det kan bli något. Min kompis fick idén och jag var bara tvungen att försöka skriva något om det! mest för att tanken var så skrattretande! jag skriver den på engelska för jag vill att min kompis ska kunna läsa den och hon kan inte svenska!

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

23 jan, 2012 16:09



Okej börja.

23 jan, 2012 16:18

Mintygirl89 *


Det låter som en väldigt bra idé! Så jag tycker absolut att du ska skriva den. Ett tips är dock att du skriver 2-3 kapitel innan du publicerar storyn.

En kärlekshistoria mellan Trelawney och Snape kan bli intressant faktiskt. Har inte läst några såna. Å andra sidan kan jag ha kollat för dåligt på fanfiction.net!

En fråga. Tror du att du kan översätta den, sen när den är färdigskriven?

Läs gärna Tårar från himlen :D <3 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2F0p-qPPA7sk4AAAAM%2Fcat-look-at-you.gif

23 jan, 2012 16:22



Jag vet inte om jag översätter den men vi får se, kanske. här kommer lite i alla fall.
Chapter 1

I had finally gotten to see it! The inner eye had let me know that it would be true! I had, the night before, dreamt of a black haired man. A man with quite long black hair! His face white as a piece of parchment! I knew exactly who it was and my heart skipped a beat every single time I said his name. Severus. Severus Snape. How long had I not wished for him to be mine? How long had I not asked my crystal globe to show us together? And now… He’d be mine. He’d be mine quite soon too. I longed for that day. But I could not rush fate! I would wait until it brought us together. I would- somebody interrupted my deep thoughts by bumping into me. Not that I had not seen it of course. As I saw into the young man eyes I saw that it was the most unfortunate Harry Potter! The boy would soon be dead! I burst into tears and said,
”My dear boy. I see that you are troubled. With good cause too! The grim will get you. You cannot run away from it!” if I had not known better I would have thought he rolled his eyes before muttering something about being late. I sighed. He did not belive me the poor boy. Well that is his problem. I told myself. I will not go meddling in other peoples bussiness. Even if it would kill them. Unless of course it was Severus. Many thought he was very unkind. I just thought that he was mysterious. Much like myself! There is something we have in common!
I smiled, this was going towards something good. I could feel it. And it was not only my Seer sense that told me so. It was something else. Deep in my gut that told me that Severus and I… we were meant to be.

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

23 jan, 2012 20:18

Mintygirl89 *


Mycket bra kapitel! Ska bli spännande och se hur detta kommer att gå.

Läs gärna Tårar från himlen :D <3 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2F0p-qPPA7sk4AAAAM%2Fcat-look-at-you.gif

23 jan, 2012 20:48



Severus Snape

I could feel her staring into my neck. I hated it. I had no idea what was up with that woman! She always acted like she knew more than us all. I had never been bothered by this... until now. Because now I could catch her staring at me. With that look on her face witch couldn't mean anything but trouble. Every time I caught her staring she always had a dreaming look on her face. Of course Trelawney always had a dreaming look on her face but this was different. And I didn't know what! This annoyed me incredibly. After all. She had proven years ago that she indeed did posses the power to look into the future. Not that she was very good at it. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. What had she seen? Or perhaps thought she had seen... either way the consequences could be bad. And if these consequences had to do with me... I did not like it. I did not like it at all.

Blev jätte kort men bara så att man vet blir det nog ganska korta inlägg för jag håller på med en annan FF just nu och det är den jag fokuserar på just nu. Däremot ska jag bli mycket mer aktiv.

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

30 jan, 2012 19:48

Mintygirl89 *


Oj, det var ett bra kapitel! Undrar hur detta ska gå.

Läs gärna Tårar från himlen :D <3 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2F0p-qPPA7sk4AAAAM%2Fcat-look-at-you.gif

30 jan, 2012 19:59



Severus Snape

Calm down. Calm down. He didn't mean anything about it. Did he? Dumbledore is a little strange sometimes. He says things that he finds funny all the time! Well it wasn't very funny right now, although I know it's not true. Still. The looks she's been giving me. It does in a way make sense.
"I think that she's grown quiet fond of you, Severus." He'd said after another one of my outbursts about how I can't deal with her and how she drives me mad.
"You should give the woman a chance. You can't hold on to the past forever." The past. He had meant Lily. Then he had winked at me and I had stormed out of his office. I knew it wasn't true. There must be another reasonable reason for the looks she was giving me. And not one that involves her dreaming of me like...like.... that! It's not true. It's not true. It can't be. I definitely can't deal with that. Not with the dark lord back. Not right now. Right now it wasn't my personal business that mattered. If I kept going like this it would make me more vulnerable for occlumency, and the result with that would be the dark lord killing me and also killing Harry Potter. Lily's child.

http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=13790&page=1 <<min Fanfiction En Mugglare på Hogwarts "Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!" - Hermione Granger Kolla gärna in min blogg

21 feb, 2012 18:14

Mintygirl89 *


Mycket bra kapitel som vanligt. Kan inte komma på annat att säga. Lite längre kapitel skulle dock inte vara så fel. Prova skriva en och en halv sida, det är mitt tips.

I övrigt är idén väldigt bra.

Läs gärna Tårar från himlen :D <3 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2F0p-qPPA7sk4AAAAM%2Fcat-look-at-you.gif

22 feb, 2012 08:04



awesomely written bananie!!!

29 mar, 2012 14:13

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