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AS/S - Stupid Destiny Talk [ENG]

Forum > Fanfiction > AS/S - Stupid Destiny Talk [ENG]

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Ginger Midget


Titel: Stupid Destiny Talk
Språk: Engelska
Pairing: Scorpius/Albus
Antal kap hitils: 3
Typ av text: Fanfiction
Raiting: PG eller PG13. Jag har svårt att avgöra sånt...
Beskrivning: Scorpius gjorde bara som han brukade då den där Potter-ungen förstörde allt. Om inte han hade irriterat Scorpius hade de aldrig börjat bråka och Scorpius hade sluppit kvarsittningen. Kvarsittningen som var början på den konstigaste relationen Scorpius hade kunnat tänka sig.

Det är ingen konstig relation, det är bara Scorpius som inte kan finna ord för den. Historien utspelar sig under deras tredje år så den är ganska mild om man bortser från dumma tonåringar och brittiska svordomar... XD

Jag tänker inte tracka folk med engelska fanfics här om ni inte vill läsa så ni får säga till om det verkar intressant. Det är mest svenska fanfics här så jag tänkte försöka mig på att göra en annan AS/S fanfic på svenska också :>

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi472.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Frr84%2Fsushibox%2F6169_e5af.gif Mina fanfics: MechaMax på FF.net HP-historier: Två Scorpius/Albus och en Young!Filch/OC

8 dec, 2011 23:52



Jag tycker den verkar intressant. Vill gärna läsa

9 dec, 2011 01:05

Ginger Midget


Jag är uttråkad så här är första kapitlet :>

Scorpius knew he shouldn't have done it. Scorpius knew there was a huge possibilty that his parents would get a letter sent home and if that happened there was an even bigger possibility that he would have to leave the school. But that didn't stop Scorpius.
It had all begun earlier that day when Scorpius had seen that stupid Potter-kid trip when he was running in the corridor and had dropped all his books and papers. At first Scorpius had been trying to come up with a some nice insult but was then distracted. Rose Weasley helped the stupid boy pick up his stupid books! Why would she bother with him?
Scorpius decided to do something that no one expected, least of all he himself. He walked up and helped picking up the things he had dropped.
"Scorpius?" Albus had said, looking far more confused than ever before.
Scorpius tried to put on his smoothest smile which wasn't very smooth at all. Albus was even more confused than before.
"I just saw how you dropped the books and thought I should help."
Albus didn't fall for it and was just about to say something insulting but was interrupted even before a single word left his opened mouth.
"That's so thoughtful, Scorpius." It was Rose who spoke.
Scorpius cheeks got a slightly pinker colour as he adverted his eyes. They all stood up and Albus tried to get a better grip around his books.
"Thanks, Rose." He smiled towards his friend and then turned towards Scorpius with a suspicous expression. Scorpius didn't blame him. "Thanks, I guess."
Albus ran off and almost tripped again as he glanced over his shoulder. Scorpius didn't even see him anymore. He was just smiling towards Rose.
"I thought you didn't like anyone of the Potters?" Rose laughed.
"I'm not a big fan, but that doesn't mean I can't help when they need help, does it?"
Scorpius had a smug smile on his face and Rose couldn't help but laugh at it. She tried to choke it but ended up laughing harder. Scorpius didn't look very smug anymore.
"I'm sorry. It's just hard to imagine. But it was nice chatting. I'll see you in class."
The girl walked off and left Scorpius feeling like an idiot. Little did he know that because of that one nice act he had changed his whole destiny. Well, he did get to know later that day when he was up in one of the towers of Hogwarts and had a cup of tea in his hands. He was trying to tell his friends future but could barely see anything other than dirt in the bottom of the cup. His friend on the other hand seemed very excited.
"Scorpius, you won't believe this!" Scorpius didn't even bother looking at the friend. "This here says that your destiny just changed!"
"Doesn't destiny change quite often according to this class?"
"Wait a second..."
Soon the teacher was looking into the cup and gasped with glee as she looked into it. She waved her hands in the air as she walked up to Scorpius and hugged him against his will. She was a very thin but strong woman.
"You should be careful, my boy! But don't be scared. Even if something scary is happening you destiny will change to the better."
Scorpius didn't care more about that. His destiny had never mattered to him before and it wouldn't start doing it not either. Just as he had the words "stupid destiny talk" in his mind he bumped into someone and the words kept ringing in his ears as if someone had whispered them to him.
"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching were I was going!"
Scorpius froze. Not that it was cold or that he was hurt. He froze for right now he was lying on the floor, staring up into the roof and the first thing he heard when he realised he had walked into someone was the voice of Albus Severus Potter.
"Here, let me help you."
Scorpius could see hand stretching out but ignored it. He stood up, brushed off some dust and then walked away. With all the talk of destiny he didn't really like to involve a Potter into his destiny. Albus didn't let him run away that easily.
"I'm really sorry, Scorpius! Please don't rattle to a teacher!" The boy sounded so pitiful.
"I won't," was all that scorpius said.
"Thanks, Scorpius! You're really nice today!"
It was at this moment that Scorpius couldn't take it anymore. He knew that it was a bad idea and he would get into trouble but he just couldn't keep the fury inside. Suddenly he threw himself over Albus, pushed him to the ground and started hitting the boy. It didn't take long before the boy put up a fight and soon they were fighting with half the school in a circle around them.
"Come on, Scorpius! Give him all you've got!"
"Don't take crap from him, Albus!"
"Kick him in the nuts, Malfoy!"
"I knew you got it in you, Potter!"
The students cheered for them until a teacher arrived. Soon they found themselves sitting in an office with a professor on the other side of the desk. She was very upset and by the sound of her voice she also seemed to be disappointed, most of all with Albus.
"What got into the two of you? You both are so peaceful."
They didn't answer.
"Can you please tell me who started the fight?"
The boys looked at each other and without even moving a muscle in their faces Scorpius had made sure that Albus wouldn't tell or else...
He kept his mouth shut.
He opened his but closed it just as fast.
"If neither of you will speak I don't have any choice. Five points from both Slytherin and Gryffindor. And both of you will get detention.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi472.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Frr84%2Fsushibox%2F6169_e5af.gif Mina fanfics: MechaMax på FF.net HP-historier: Två Scorpius/Albus och en Young!Filch/OC

9 dec, 2011 12:41

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